A simple script that manages incremental backups in a local machine. Source can be remote (via ssh).
replica 0.1 by André Restivo (andre.restivo@gmail.com)
Usage: replica -d <destroot> [-s <sourceroot>] -t <target> [OPTIONS]
-d Directory where backups and log files will be created (unless -b is used).
-s Directory where source target can be found. Can be a remote location
using ssh. If source is a remote location we cannot verify if contents
have changed before executing the rsync command and a new directory will
always be created. Default: current directory.
-t Source target.
-b Alternative log file.
-r How many times to retry a remote rsync.
-w How many seconds to wait between retries.
-v Detailed output for testing.
-o Print current options but do nothing.
-h This help message.
Example: replica -d backups -s /home/johndoe/Documents/ -t work -v
Creates an incremental backup of /home/johndoe/Documents/work in
./backups/work and stores the backup log in ./backups/.replica.log
Example: replica -d backups -s johndoe@work:~/Documents/ -t stuff -v -b backup.log
Creates an incremental backup of /home/johndoe/Documents/stuff
found at server work in ./backups/stuff and stores the backup log
The log file can have lines in the following formats:
[<target>] <date>.<time> (<size>): Full backup complete (<duration>)
[<target>] <date>.<time> (<size>): Incremental backup from <previous> complete (<duration>)
[<target>] <date>.<time> (<size>): Failed backup (<duration>) Giving up
[<target>] <date>.<time> (<size>): Failed backup (<duration>) Retrying in <wait>
- target - the target being backed up
- date - the execution date in the format yyyymmdd
- time - the execution time in the format HHMMss
- size - The size of the backup
- duration - How much time did the operation take
- previous - The directory that served as a base for the incremental backup
- wait - How much time until we retry
Configuration parameters can be specified in a configuration file in /etc/replica.conf using the following format:
VERBOSE=<verbosity> (0 means verbose)