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All of my Linux config files. Easy installation and maintenance with git bare repository.

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All of my Linux config files. Easy installation and maintenance with Git bare repository.


I use Linux distributions daily for both personal and work related things. Over the years I have customized Linux CLI tools to my liking. This repository has my config files for the following programs:

  • Alacritty
  • Zsh with Prezto configuration framework and Powerlevel10k prompt
  • Tmux with TPM plugin manager
  • Neovim / Vim with vim-plug plugin manager



Git has a feature called "bare repository". You can place git-dir (contents of .git) and work-tree on different paths. I setup a Bare repository in any folder. When I'm working on my dotfiles repo I use an alias which sets --git-dir to the bare repository and --work-tree to my home directory. So I can access my dotfiles repo from any directory without the need to cd first.

  1. Fork the repo.

    1. Go to fork page.

    2. Copy HTTPS or SSH clone link of your fork.

  2. Prepare dotfiles directory.

    1. Initialize bare Git repository.

      git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
    2. Add an alias to .bashrc or .zshrc (if you use Zsh as shell).

      alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
      alias config-edit="(export GIT_DIR=$HOME/.dotfiles; export GIT_WORK_TREE=$HOME; nvim)"
    3. Configure local Git settings for the repository.

      config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
      config config --local core.worktree $HOME
    4. Set your fork as remote repository. I used my repo's HTTPS clone link in this example. You should use the link you copied.

      config remote add origin
  3. Pull dotfiles from repo

    config pull origin master
    config submodule update --init --remote --recursive


  1. Use config alias instead of git while working with your dotfiles.

    config status
    config add ~/.bashrc
    config commit -m "Modify bash config"
    config add ~/.zshrc
    config commit -m "Modify zsh config"
    config push origin master
  2. You can use the config-edit alias which opens up Neovim editor with correct Git env variables set so you can use tools like vim-fugitive to stash changes, commit, etc.

  3. There is also config-fzf script which passes file paths in dotfiles as input to fzf. So you can list files, select one or more file and use returned file list with other programs.

    nvim -O $(config-edit)


All of my Linux config files. Easy installation and maintenance with git bare repository.




