A tour of different data access approaches in .NET 9+.
Note: This is meant to demonstrate different ways to make data access calls, not best practices (or even reasonably good practices) for building ASP.NET Core Web APIs.
- Custom Specifications with EF Core @ardalis, 2024
- Improving Data Access with Abstractions Stir Trek, 2023
- ADO.NET Custom SQL
- ADO.NET Stored Procs
- Dapper Custom SQL
- Dapper Stored Procs
- EF Core + Custom Queries
- Repository layer
- Application layer
EF and its Migrations are not required for all of these variants, but it does provide a quick and easy way to get your data in place if you want to run these samples. Just run this command from the WebDataDemo
Run this command to get ef core tools:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet ef database update
Run this command:
docker run --name seqlogger -d -p 5341:5341 -p 5342:80 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y datalust/seq
Verify Seq is running: http://localhost:5342
Install k6:
choco install k6
Run scripts from the k6 folder.
k6 run data-strategy-01.js