Java library implementation of the north-bluish light color palette Northem Light.
Optimized for syntax highlighting- and UI projects.
This is a light and more color-intensive variation.
To use northem-light-java it must be available on your classpath.
You can get it from the Central Repository as a dependency for your favorite build tool or download the latest version.
compile(group: 'com.arcticicestudio', name: 'northem-light-java', version: '0.2.0')
<dependency org="com.arcticicestudio" name="northem-light-java" rev="0.2.0" />
Development snapshots are available via OSS Sonatype.
Build and install northem-light-java into your local repository without GPG signing:
mvn clean install
Signed artifacts may be build by using the sign-gpg
profile with a provided gpg.keyname
mvn clean install -Dgpg.keyname=YourGPGKeyId
A continuous integration build is running at Travis-CI.
Northem Light IntelliJ IDEA Syntax
Northem Light Atom Syntax
Northem Light Atom UI
Northem Light Eclipse Syntax
Northem Light gedit
Northem Light GTK (in drafting)
Northem Light Notepad++
Visit the official website for more information.
This project follows the gitflow branching model.
This project follows the Arctic Versioning Specification (ArcVer).
Please report issues/bugs, suggestions for improvements and feature requests to the issuetracker.