TODO App is web app helps user to create,read,update,delete todos basically perform CRUD operations
This project is scaffolded using vite react template
Run below commands in the terminal to see the app in the local system
First clone the repositoy into your system
git clone git@github.com:aravindont/todo-frontend.git
Install all the necessary packages
npm install
Now run the command
npm run dev
Now open the url http://localhost:4002 to see the app up and running
- React.js
- tailwind css
- fontawesome free react icons
- react router dom
- redux toolkit
- redux
- react redux
- Appwrite
- home page (http://localhost:4002/)
- signup page (http://localhost:4002/signup)
- login page (http://localhost:4002/login)
- dashboard
- Add Todo modal
- Add Task modal
- logout modal
- Appwrite is an open-source platform for develop and manage backend of the applications.
- It provides set of tools and functions those help developers to build severless application faster and more securely.
Appwrite Auth console
Users creating the todos through this platform enjoys following features:
- User can register
- User can login
- Todos will be created and shown on screen for logged in user
- User authentication using Appwrite and localstorage.
- User can create todo along with tasks
- User can edit, delete,view todo title along with tasks
- User can edit and delete tasks