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Lua Execution Engine

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This Go package allows you to load and execute Lua scripts dynamically from the modules/ directory. It provides a flexible way to run predefined Lua functions and handle arguments.


  • Dynamic Lua Execution: Load Lua files from the modules/ directory and execute specific functions on-demand.
  • Customizable Lua Function Arguments: Pass arguments to Lua functions from Go or prompt for input if not provided.
  • Error Handling: Provides feedback on Lua function execution.


To use this package, make sure you have Go installed and set up. You also need to install the dependencies:

go get
go get

Clone the repository and run the run command with your Lua script and function name:

git clone
cd hops
go run . module_name module_function


  1. Define a Lua script:

Write Lua functions in a Lua script and return them as a table. For example, modules/nginx/nginx.lua:

-- Sample Lua script to restart Nginx
function restart()
    print("Restarting Nginx service...")
    local result = os.execute("sudo systemctl restart nginx")
    if result == 0 then
        print("Nginx restarted successfully.")
        print("Failed to restart Nginx.")

return {
    restart = restart
  1. Call the Lua function from Go:

Use the package’s command-line interface to load the Lua module and execute the desired function:

go run . nginx restart

This will execute the restart function from the modules/nginx/nginx.lua file.

  1. Pass arguments:

If the Lua function requires arguments, pass them as follows. Arguments after the second one are passed to the Lua function. For example, given a Lua function wordpress(db_engine, db_user, db_password, db_name):

function wordpress(db_engine, db_user, db_password, db_name)
    print("Setting up WordPress with:")
    print("DB Engine: " .. db_engine)
    print("DB User: " .. db_user)
    print("DB Password: " .. db_password)
    print("DB Name: " .. db_name)

return {
    wordpress = wordpress

You can run this Lua function and pass arguments like so:

go run . wordpress mysql root password mydb

If any argument is missing, the program will prompt for the missing values interactively.

  1. Interactive input:

If arguments are not provided, the program will ask for them interactively:

go run . wordpress
for db_engine: mysql
for db_user: root
for db_password: password
for db_name: mydb


go run . nginx restart
go run . wordpress mysql root password mydb

The first command will load the Lua file modules/nginx/nginx.lua and execute the restart function to restart the Nginx service. The second command will execute the wordpress function with the provided arguments.


├── modules/
│   └── nginx/
│       └── nginx.lua      # Example Lua script for Nginx


  • Add support for passing multiple arguments to Lua functions.
  • Add more examples for different types of Lua scripts.
  • Implement more error handling in Lua execution.
  • Add unit tests for Lua function execution.
  • Create a Dockerfile for easy deployment.


helper for devops







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