If you added an External monitor to your laptop and the shortcut key for changing brightness on your laptop didn't work, then this script will be helpful for you (of course you need to have a GNU/LINUX distribution)
Notify-send and xrandr and python3 for python_version, if u use pure bash version, u don't need python3.
You most likely have notify-send(99%), but if you don't (which you have 😐) then install that.
which notify-send
If printed anything, you have that, Ex. /usr/bin/notify-send
Also you have xrandr probably but if you don't:
sudo apt install xrandr
sudo dnf install xrandr
sudo pacman install xrandr
After that you can use:
./screen up
./screen down
If you see this:
bash: permission denied
sudo chmod +x screen
In the end put 'screen' in /usr/bin or /bin or any dir in your PATH.
sudo cp screen /usr/bin
Of course this is not useful enough, We want to add shortcut for that.
- Lunch setting
- Shortcuts tab
- Custom Shortcuts
- Edit, New, Global Shortcut, Command/URL
- add action (once 'screen up' and once again 'screen down')
- add your favrite shortcut (in Trigger tab)
- add comment 😐
- Lunch setting
- Shortcut keyboard tab
- '+' key in the bottom of shortcut list
- Command -> 'screen up' or 'screen down'
- add your favrite shortcut
I wrote this code by python, for the first time (screen_py_version), but now, u can use pure bash version (screen) which means u don't need to have python3
Good bye friend