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workaround 3.2 regression, finalize Selectable arg selectors
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arainko committed Sep 17, 2022
1 parent 41e2401 commit b94e276
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Showing 18 changed files with 188 additions and 244 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -3,36 +3,42 @@ package io.github.arainko.ducktape
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.function.FunctionArguments
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly

opaque type ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[_]] = Unit
opaque type ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments] = Unit

object ArgBuilderConfig {
private[ducktape] def instance[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]]: ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector] = ()
private[ducktape] def instance[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments]: ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector] = ()

//TODO: Slap a @compileTimeOnly on all things here
object Arg {
def const[Source, Dest, ArgType, ActualType, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]](

def const[Source, Dest, ArgType, ActualType, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
selector: ArgSelector => ArgType,
const: ActualType
@implicitNotFound("Arg.const is only supported for product types but ${Source} is not a product type.")
ev: Mirror.ProductOf[Source]
ev1: Mirror.ProductOf[Source],
ev2: ActualType <:< ArgType
): ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector] = ArgBuilderConfig.instance

// def computed[Source, Dest, ArgType, ActualType, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[_]](
// selector: ArgSelector => ArgType,
// f: Source => ActualType
// )(using
// @implicitNotFound("Arg.computed is only supported for product types but ${Source} is not a product type.")
// ev: Mirror.ProductOf[Source]
// ): ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector] = ArgBuilderConfig.instance

// def renamed[Source, Dest, ArgType, FieldType, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[_]](
// destSelector: ArgSelector => ArgType,
// sourceSelector: Source => FieldType
// )(using
// @implicitNotFound("Arg.renamed is only supported for product types but ${Source} is not a product type.")
// ev: Mirror.ProductOf[Source]
// ): ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector] = ArgBuilderConfig.instance
def computed[Source, Dest, ArgType, ActualType, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
selector: ArgSelector => ArgType,
f: Source => ActualType
@implicitNotFound("Arg.computed is only supported for product types but ${Source} is not a product type.")
ev1: Mirror.ProductOf[Source],
ev2: ActualType <:< ArgType
): ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector] = ArgBuilderConfig.instance

def renamed[Source, Dest, ArgType, FieldType, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
destSelector: ArgSelector => ArgType,
sourceSelector: Source => FieldType,
@implicitNotFound("Arg.renamed is only supported for product types but ${Source} is not a product type.")
ev1: Mirror.ProductOf[Source],
ev2: FieldType <:< ArgType
): ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector] = ArgBuilderConfig.instance

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ object BuilderConfig {
private[ducktape] def instance[Source, Dest]: BuilderConfig[Source, Dest] = ()

//TODO: Slap a @compileTimeOnly on all things here
object Field {
def const[Source, Dest, FieldType, ActualType](selector: Dest => FieldType, value: ActualType)(using
ev1: ActualType <:< FieldType,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ object Field {
): BuilderConfig[Source, Dest] = BuilderConfig.instance

//TODO: Slap a @compileTimeOnly on all things here
object Case {
def const[SourceSubtype]: Case.Const[SourceSubtype] = Const.instance

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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ object Transformer {

def define[Source, Dest]: DefinitionBuilder[Source, Dest] = DefinitionBuilder[Source, Dest]

// def defineVia[A]: DefinitionViaBuilder.PartiallyApplied[A] = DefinitionViaBuilder.create[A]
def defineVia[A]: DefinitionViaBuilder.PartiallyApplied[A] = DefinitionViaBuilder.create[A]

sealed trait Identity[Source] extends Transformer[Source, Source]

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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import scala.deriving.Mirror
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.function.*
import scala.compiletime.*

sealed abstract class AppliedViaBuilder[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]](
sealed abstract class AppliedViaBuilder[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
source: Source,
function: Func
) {
Expand All @@ -18,13 +18,14 @@ sealed abstract class AppliedViaBuilder[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: Funct

object AppliedViaBuilder {
private[AppliedViaBuilder] class Impl[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]](
private[AppliedViaBuilder] class Impl[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
source: Source,
function: Func
) extends AppliedViaBuilder[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector](source, function)

transparent inline def create[Source, Func](source: Source, inline func: Func)(using Func: FunctionMirror[Func]) = {
val builder = Impl[Source, Func.Return, Func, Nothing](source, func)
// widen the type to not infer `AppliedViaBuilder.Impl`, we're in a transparent inline method after all
val builder: AppliedViaBuilder[Source, Func.Return, Func, Nothing] = Impl(source, func)
FunctionMacros.namedArguments(func, builder)
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@@ -1,29 +1,34 @@
// package io.github.arainko.ducktape.builder
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.builder

// import io.github.arainko.ducktape.*
// import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.macros.*
// import scala.deriving.*
// import io.github.arainko.ducktape.function.FunctionMirror
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.*
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.macros.*
import scala.deriving.*
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.function.*

// sealed abstract class DefinitionViaBuilder[Source, Dest, Func, NamedArguments <: Tuple](function: Func) {
sealed abstract class DefinitionViaBuilder[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](function: Func) {

// inline def build(
// inline config: ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, NamedArguments]*
// )(using Mirror.ProductOf[Source]): Transformer[Source, Dest] = from =>
// ProductTransformerMacros.viaConfigured[Source, Dest, Func, NamedArguments](from, function, config*)
// }
inline def build(
inline config: ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector]*
)(using Mirror.ProductOf[Source]): Transformer[Source, Dest] = from =>
ProductTransformerMacros.viaConfigured[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector](from, function, config*)

// object DefinitionViaBuilder {
// def create[Source]: PartiallyApplied[Source] = ()
object DefinitionViaBuilder {
private[DefinitionViaBuilder] class Impl[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
function: Func
) extends DefinitionViaBuilder[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector](function)

// opaque type PartiallyApplied[Source] = Unit
def create[Source]: PartiallyApplied[Source] = ()

// object PartiallyApplied {
// extension [Source](partial: PartiallyApplied[Source]) {
// transparent inline def apply[Func](inline func: Func)(using Func: FunctionMirror[Func]) = {
// val builder = new DefinitionViaBuilder[Source, Func.Return, Func, Nothing](func) {}
// FunctionMacros.namedArguments(func, builder)
// }
// }
// }
// }
opaque type PartiallyApplied[Source] = Unit

object PartiallyApplied {
extension [Source](partial: PartiallyApplied[Source]) {
transparent inline def apply[Func](inline func: Func)(using Func: FunctionMirror[Func]) = {
// widen the type to not infer `DefinitionViaBuilder.Impl`, we're in a transparent inline method after all
val builder: DefinitionViaBuilder[Source, Func.Return, Func, Nothing] = Impl(func)
FunctionMacros.namedArguments(func, builder)

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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ package io.github.arainko.ducktape.function
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.util.NotGiven

sealed trait FunctionArguments[NamedArgs <: Tuple] extends Selectable {
def selectDynamic(value: String): NamedArgument.FindByName[value.type, NamedArgs]
sealed trait FunctionArguments extends Selectable {
def selectDynamic(value: String): Nothing

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Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,8 @@ object DebugMacros {

def codeCompiletimeMacro[A: Type](value: Expr[A])(using Quotes) = {
import quotes.reflect.*

val struct =

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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ private[ducktape] class FunctionMacros(using val quotes: Quotes) extends Module,

private val cons = TypeRepr.of[*:]
private val emptyTuple = TypeRepr.of[EmptyTuple]
private val namedArg = TypeRepr.of[NamedArgument]
private val functionArguments = TypeRepr.of[FunctionArguments]

def createMirror[Func: Type]: Expr[FunctionMirror[Func]] =
Expand All @@ -33,42 +32,35 @@ private[ducktape] class FunctionMacros(using val quotes: Quotes) extends Module,
case other => report.errorAndAbort(s"FunctionMirrors can only be created for functions. Got ${} instead.")

def namedArguments[Func: Type, F[_ <: FunctionArguments[?]]: Type](function: Expr[Func], initial: Expr[F[Nothing]]) =
def namedArguments[Func: Type, F[_ <: FunctionArguments]: Type](function: Expr[Func], initial: Expr[F[Nothing]]) =
function.asTerm match {
case func @ FunctionLambda(valDefs, _) =>
val args = => namedArg.appliedTo(ConstantType(StringConstant( :: valdef.tpt.tpe :: Nil))
val funcArgs = functionArguments.appliedTo(tupleify(args))
val refinedFunctionArgs = refine(funcArgs, valDefs)
refinedFunctionArgs.asType match {
refine(functionArguments, valDefs).asType match {
case '[IsFuncArgs[args]] => '{ $initial.asInstanceOf[F[args]] }

case other => report.errorAndAbort(s"Failed to extract named arguments from ${}")

private def tupleify(tpes: List[TypeRepr]) =
tpes.foldRight(emptyTuple)((curr, acc) => cons.appliedTo(curr :: acc :: Nil))

private def refine(tpe: TypeRepr, valDefs: List[ValDef]) =
valDefs.foldLeft(functionArguments)((tpe, valDef) => Refinement(tpe,, valDef.tpt.tpe))


private[ducktape] object FunctionMacros {
private type IsFuncArgs[A <: FunctionArguments[?]] = A
private type IsFuncArgs[A <: FunctionArguments] = A

transparent inline def createMirror[F]: FunctionMirror[F] = ${ createMirrorMacro[F] }

def createMirrorMacro[Func: Type](using Quotes): Expr[FunctionMirror[Func]] =

transparent inline def namedArguments[Func, F[_ <: FunctionArguments[?]]](
transparent inline def namedArguments[Func, F[_ <: FunctionArguments]](
inline function: Func,
initial: F[Nothing]
)(using FunctionMirror[Func]) = ${ namedArgumentsMacro[Func, F]('function, 'initial) }

def namedArgumentsMacro[Func: Type, F[_ <: FunctionArguments[?]]: Type](
def namedArgumentsMacro[Func: Type, F[_ <: FunctionArguments]: Type](
function: Expr[Func],
initial: Expr[F[Nothing]]
)(using Quotes) = FunctionMacros().namedArguments[Func, F](function, initial)
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -31,16 +31,14 @@ private[ducktape] class ProductTransformerMacros(using val quotes: Quotes)
case other => report.errorAndAbort(s"'via' is only supported on eta-expanded methods!")

def viaConfigured[Source: Type, Dest: Type, Func: Type, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]: Type](
def viaConfigured[Source: Type, Dest: Type, Func: Type, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments: Type](
sourceValue: Expr[Source],
function: Expr[Func],
config: Expr[Seq[ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector]]],
Source: Expr[Mirror.ProductOf[Source]]
): Expr[Dest] = {
given Fields.Source = Fields.Source.fromMirror(Source)
// report.errorAndAbort(TypeRepr.of[ArgSelector].show)
given Fields.Dest = Fields.Dest.fromNamedArguments[ArgSelector]
report.errorAndAbort(", "))
given Fields.Dest = Fields.Dest.fromFunctionArguments[ArgSelector]
val materializedConfig = MaterializedConfiguration.materializeArgConfig(config)
val nonConfiguredFields = Fields.dest.byName --

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,14 +200,14 @@ private[ducktape] object ProductTransformerMacros {
)(using Quotes) =
ProductTransformerMacros().via(source, function, Func, Source)

inline def viaConfigured[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]](
inline def viaConfigured[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
source: Source,
inline function: Func,
inline config: ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector]*
)(using Source: Mirror.ProductOf[Source]): Dest =
${ viaConfiguredMacro[Source, Dest, Func, ArgSelector]('source, 'function, 'config, 'Source) }

def viaConfiguredMacro[Source: Type, Dest: Type, Func: Type, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]: Type](
def viaConfiguredMacro[Source: Type, Dest: Type, Func: Type, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments: Type](
sourceValue: Expr[Source],
function: Expr[Func],
config: Expr[Seq[ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector]]],
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ private[internal] trait ConfigurationModule { self: Module & SelectorModule & Mi
.map((_, fieldConfigs) => fieldConfigs.last) // keep the last applied field config only

def materializeArgConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]](
def materializeArgConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
config: Expr[Seq[ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector]]]
)(using Fields.Source, Fields.Dest): List[Product] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,51 +105,34 @@ private[internal] trait ConfigurationModule { self: Module & SelectorModule & Mi
case other => abort(Failure.UnsupportedConfig(other, Failure.ConfigType.Case))

* We check arg types here because if an arg is not found `FunctionArguments.FindByName` returns a Nothing
* which trips up evidence summoning which in turn only tells us that an arg was Nothing (with no suggestions etc.)
* TODO: See if it works properly, if not we may need to go back ot the old encoding with the evidence and bad error messages
private def materializeSingleArgConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]](
private def materializeSingleArgConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector <: FunctionArguments](
config: Expr[ArgBuilderConfig[Source, Dest, ArgSelector]]
)(using Fields.Source, Fields.Dest): Product =
config match {
case '{
type argSelector <: FunctionArguments[?]
Arg.const[source, dest, argType, actualType, `argSelector`]($selector, $const)(using $ev1)
type argSelector <: FunctionArguments
Arg.const[source, dest, argType, actualType, `argSelector`]($selector, $const)(using $ev1, $ev2)
} =>
val argName = Selectors.argName(Fields.dest, selector.asInstanceOf[Expr[FunctionArguments[?] => Any]])
verifyArgSelectorTypes(argName, const, TypeRepr.of[argType], TypeRepr.of[actualType])
val argName = Selectors.argName(Fields.dest, selector)
Product.Const(argName, const)

// case '{
// type namedArgs <: Tuple
// Arg.computed[source, dest, argType, actualType, `namedArgs`]($selector, $function)(using $ev1)
// } =>
// val argName = Selectors.argName(Fields.dest, selector)
// verifyArgSelectorTypes(argName, function, TypeRepr.of[argType], TypeRepr.of[actualType])
// Product.Computed(argName, function.asInstanceOf[Expr[Any => Any]])

// case '{
// type namedArgs <: Tuple
// Arg.renamed[source, dest, argType, fieldType, `namedArgs`]($destSelector, $sourceSelector)(using $ev1)
// } =>
// val argName = Selectors.argName(Fields.dest, destSelector)
// val fieldName = Selectors.fieldName(Fields.source, sourceSelector)
// verifyArgSelectorTypes(argName, sourceSelector, TypeRepr.of[argType], TypeRepr.of[fieldType])
// Product.Renamed(argName, fieldName)
case '{
type argSelector <: FunctionArguments
Arg.computed[source, dest, argType, actualType, `argSelector`]($selector, $function)(using $ev1, $ev2)
} =>
val argName = Selectors.argName(Fields.dest, selector)
Product.Computed(argName, function.asInstanceOf[Expr[Any => Any]])

case '{
type argSelector <: FunctionArguments
Arg.renamed[source, dest, argType, fieldType, `argSelector`]($destSelector, $sourceSelector)(using $ev1, $ev2)
} =>
val argName = Selectors.argName(Fields.dest, destSelector)
val fieldName = Selectors.fieldName(Fields.source, sourceSelector)
Product.Renamed(argName, fieldName)

case other => abort(Failure.UnsupportedConfig(other, Failure.ConfigType.Arg))

private def verifyArgSelectorTypes(
argName: String,
mismatchedValue: Expr[Any],
expected: TypeRepr,
actual: TypeRepr
) = if (!(actual <:< expected))
abort(Failure.InvalidArgSelector.TypeMismatch(argName, expected, actual, mismatchedValue))


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