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Apache Spark is a distributed data processing system written in Scala. It builds on the ideas of map-reduce (fault-tolerant distributed data processing on commodity machines) with the addition of caching data between processing operations and smart construction of job dependencies for scheduling and error recovery.
The RDD is the core abstraction of Apache Spark. It's collection of records that are partitioned across the machines of the cluster. It supports many common data manipulation operations.
git clone https://github.com/apache/spark
cd spark/ec-2
./spark-ec2 -i <keypair_file> -k <keypair_name> launch <cluster_name>
You can set <cluster_name>
to anything you like and the keypair comes from Amazon AWS. You can create an account at Amazon AWS and navigate to EC2 -> Access Keys to create a new access key. Once you've got an access key .pem
file you will need to change the permissions
chmod 600 <keypair_file>
# Set Amazon Keys (these are available under Account > IMA > Users > Create User
Once the cluster been launched, you can login through ssh
# master_address.com is the address of the root node on aws, you can retrieve from the command below if you don't know it
ssh -i <keypair_file> root@<master_address.com>
# retrieve master address
./spark-ec2 -i <keypair_file> get-master <cluster_name>
Most importantly, remember to kill the cluster when you are done with it otherwise you may start to build up a bill
./spark-ec2 -i <keypair_file> destroy <cluster_name>
More complete instructions are available at AMPLab Tutorials
If you want to access files on S3, you'll need to set your ACCESS_KEY in your core-site.xml configuration file.
This is available at ephemeral-hdfs/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml
. Open this file and add the following lines:
Most importantly for us, Spark supports a Python API to write Python Spark jobs or interact with data on cluster through a shell
We can launch the pySpark shell with the following command:
IPYTHON=1 ./spark/bin/pyspark
Once we've opened up pyspark
we have access to the sc
object which gives access to SparkContext
. SparkContext gives us access to functions to interact with the Spark environment, for example loading data from HDFS.
data = sc.textFile('hdfs:// ...')
print data.count()
#Load Data
data = sc.textFile("s3n://elasticmapreduce/samples/pig-apache/input")
#Preview data
# Count data points
# Get first 10 IP addresses
data.map( lambda x: x.split()[0] ).take(10)
Spark supports many of the common data operations you may want (count, filter, groupBy, etc.). Otherwise a map
function is available on the RDD (similar to the map function on a Pandas data frame it will perform some function on every row of the dataset) and a reduce
function to aggregate the values.
# Get Count Of Hits Per IP using Map/Reduce
data.map(lambda x: (x.split()[0], 1)).reduceByKey(lambda a, b : a + b).collect()
# Alternatively Use the Built-In aggregation functions
ips = data.map(lambda x: x.split()[0])
# Using GroupBy
ips.groupBy(lambda x: x).map( lambda kv: (kv[0], len(kv[1]))).collect()
# Using .keyBy and .countValuesByKey
ips.keyBy(lambda x: x).countValuesByKey()
# Using .countByValue()
First get the MovieLens Dataset, "10 million ratings and 100,000 tag applications applied to 10,000 movies by 72,000 users"
wget http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-10m.zip
unzip ml-10m.zip
Next move the ml-10m directory to HDFS.
hadoop fs .... #How do you move the file to HDFS?
Loading the data
movie_data = sc.textFile('ml-10M100K/movies.dat')
ratings_data = sc.textFile('ml-10M100K/ratings.dat')
Let's answer some simpler questions first ...
# How many movies do we have?
# How many ratings do we have?
# How many movies are tagged with Horror?
# First we need to retrieve the tags
tags = movie_data.map( lambda x : x.split("::")[-1] )
tags.filter( lambda tag: 'Horror' in tag )
# Did anything happen on that last command?
tags.filter( lambda tag: 'Horror' in tag ).count()
# How can I keep the movie names with the tags?
tags = movie_data.map( lambda x : (x.split("::")[1], x.split("::")[-1]) )
tags.filter( lambda (movie, tag): 'Horror' in tag ).take(20)
Exercise: Find all movies that contain horror and comedy
Using the IP example above, how can we count the number of movies per category?
HINT: You can't ... what's missing?
Spark also support a join
operation, but first we need to key our datasets on something to join on.
keyed_ratings = ratings_data.keyBy(lambda x: x.split("::")[1])
keyed_movies = movie_data.keyBy(lambda x: x.split('::')[0])
Then we can join our datasets. Joining two keyed datasets return a single keyed dataset where each row is a tuple
where the first value is the key
and the second value is another tuple.
In the second tuple the first value is the matched row from dataset 1 and the second is the matched row from dataset 2.
row = ( <key> , (dataset_1_row, dataset_2_row))
joined = keyed_movies.join(keyed_ratings) # This will take some time
We only care about a small amount of this data, the movie, the user, the category and rating. So let's create a simpler dataset that just stores that
def createMovieRow( joined_row ):
movie_row = joined_row[1][0]
ratings_row = joined_row[1][1]
title = movie_row.split("::")[1]
tags = movie_row.split("::")[-1]
user = ratings_row.split("::")[0]
rating = float(ratings_row.split("::")[2])
return (title, tags, user, rating)
data = joined.map(createMovieRow)
# How many reviews per movie
# How many reviews per tag
# How many average users per movie
# Compute the average rating per tag
tag_ratings = data.flatMap( lambda x: [(tag, x[-1]) for tag in x[1].split("|")] )
tag_ratings.groupBy(lambda x : x[0]).map( lambda (tag, ratings): (tag, sum(r[1] for r in ratings)/len(ratings))).collect()
Spark has a common library for machine learning functionality called mllib (http://spark.apache.org/docs/0.9.0/mllib-guide.html), however the functionality is still sparse. Additionally, there have been efforts to integrate scikits-learn and Spark (https://gist.github.com/MLnick/4707012), (https://github.com/ogrisel/spylearn)
Spark has some advantages for machine learning in that it can support multiple passes over a dataset in-memory, a vital operation for machine learning algorithms that require iteration.