Clone for:
Install ckanext-harvest ( (Only if you want to use the RDF harvester)
. /<CKAN_HOME>/bin/activate
cd <CKAN_HOME>/src
Install the extension on your virtualenv:
(pyenv) $ pip install -e git+
Install the extension requirements:
(pyenv) $ pip install -r ckanext-iaest/requirements.txt
Enable the required plugins in your ini file:
ckan.plugins = iaest iaest_rdf_harvester
Enable Profile ckanext.dcat.rdf.profiles = euro_dcat_ap euro_dcat_ap_iaest
Create user with username harvest
Put the following lines at the /data/apps/ckan/conf/production.ini:
//Site Settings ckanext.dcat.datasets_per_page = 1000 ckanext.dcat.max_datasets = 5000