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Ammar Heidari edited this page Feb 19, 2025 · 12 revisions

Arad SMS API Documentation

Welcome to the Arad SMS API (Arad ITC) documentation. This guide is designed to help you integrate with our powerful SMS platform, which handles over 300 million messages daily, covering 60% of Iran's SMS traffic. Trusted by major organizations like Asiatech, ArianTel, Jiring, and leading banks such as Bank Mellat, Bank Sepah, Bank Melli, Bank Saderat and etc.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Authentication
  3. API Endpoints
  4. Error Codes
  5. API Return Codes
  6. Delivery Status Codes
  7. Sample Requests
  8. Contact & Support


The Arad SMS API offers a wide range of messaging services, allowing developers to send, manage, and track SMS communications efficiently. With robust infrastructure and advanced reporting capabilities, businesses can streamline their messaging workflows and ensure reliable delivery.

Developers can access these services by registering with the Arad SMS platform. Once registered, users can authenticate and start integrating the API into their applications.

For detailed API documentation and live testing, visit our Swagger Documentation.


The Arad SMS API supports three methods of authentication:

  1. Basic Authentication:

    • This method encodes the username and password in Base64 and includes it in the Authorization header.
    • Note: Due to security vulnerabilities, this method is not recommended.


    Username: AradUser
    Password: AradPassword
    Base64("AradUser:AradPassword") => QXJhZFVzZXI6QXJhZFBhc3N3b3Jk
    Authorization: Basic QXJhZFVzZXI6QXJhZFBhc3N3b3Jk
  2. Bearer Token:

    • Obtain a token by calling the /connect/token endpoint with your credentials. The token is valid for 5 minutes.


    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


        "access_token": "Your token",
        "expires_at": "2022-08-01T05:02:37Z",
        "scope": "ApiAccess"
  3. API Key:

    • Generate an API Key from your dashboard and include it in the X-API-Key header.



To enable API access, ensure your IP address is registered with Arad. Contact support for IP whitelisting.

API Endpoints

API Access and Scopes

In the Arad SMS API, some endpoints require specific access levels defined by Scopes.

Scope: ApiAccess

This scope is used for sending messages and retrieving general delivery reports.


  • /api/message/send
  • /api/message/GetDLR
  • /api/message/GetDLRByPartId
  • /api/message/GetMO
  • /api/message/GetMOByDate

Scope: ApiPatternAccess

This scope is used for sending pattern-based messages.


  • /api/patternMessage/send
  • /api/patternMessage/sendMultiple

Scope: BulkApiAccess

This scope is used for bulk messaging and high-volume message processing.


  • /api/message/bulk
  • /api/message/P2PBulk
  • /api/message/GetDLR
  • /api/message/GetDLRByPartId
  • /api/message/GetMO
  • /api/message/GetMOByDate

Scope: WhiteListAccess

This scope is used for sending messages to whitelisted numbers.


  • /api/message/SendToWhiteList

Sending SMS

Send single or multiple SMS messages using the following endpoint:




Authorization: Bearer {your access token} | Basic | ApiKey
Content-Type: application/json

Body Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
SourceAddress string Sender's number
DestinationAddress string Recipient's number
MessageText string Content of the SMS
ValidityPeriod string Expiry time of the message (1 min to 6 hours)
TargetUDH array Optional. Ports and reference number settings
DataCoding int Data coding (8 for Farsi, 1 for English)
MessageClass string Message type (Text, Binary, Email, Voice)
ServiceID string Value-added service ID
Priority int Message priority (0 to 7)
UDH string User-defined header for tagging messages

Sample Request:

    "SourceAddress": "989000xxxx",
    "DestinationAddress": "9891xxxxxxxx",
    "MessageText": "Test message",
    "TargetUDH": ["port:5000", "referenceNumberType:16bit"]

Sample Response:

  "message": "Successfully done.",
  "succeeded": true,
  "data": ["624ed1bbcd0efb1ef148e0a0"],
  "resultCode": 100

Bulk and P2P Messaging

Send bulk messages to multiple recipients with a single request.




Authorization: Bearer {your access token} | Basic | ApiKey
Content-Type: application/json

Body Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
SourceAddress string Sender's number
DestinationAddress array List of recipients
MessageText string Content of the SMS
TargetUDH array Optional. Ports and reference number settings
ValidityPeriod string Expiry time of the message

Sample Request:

  "SourceAddress": "989000xxxx",
  "MessageText": "Test bulk message",
  "DestinationAddress": ["9891xxxxxxxx", "9891yyyyyyyy"],
  "TargetUDH": ["port:5000", "referenceNumberType:16bit"]

Sample Response:

  "message": "Successfully done.",
  "succeeded": true,
  "data": [
  "resultCode": 100

Send SMS via GET

To send a single SMS using the GET method, you can send requests to the following endpoint.



Required Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
SourceAddress string Sender's number
DestinationAddress string Recipient's number (comma-separated for multiple)
MessageText string Content of the SMS
port int Port (optional)
referenceNumberType string Reference number type (8bit or 16bit)

Sample Request:

Sample Response:

    "message": "Successfully done.",
    "succeeded": true,
    "data": [
    "resultCode": 100

Receiving Messages

Retrieve incoming messages (MO - Mobile Originated) from your account.




Authorization: Bearer {your access token} | Basic | ApiKey

Optional Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
returnId boolean Return unique ID for each message
startDateTime string Filter messages received after this date
endDateTime string Filter messages received before this date

Sample Response (With Messages):

  "message": "Successfully done.",
  "succeeded": true,
  "data": [
      "sourceAddress": "9891xxxxxxxx",
      "destinationAddress": "989000xxxx",
      "messageText": "Hello from user",
      "receiveDateTime": "2022-04-04T11:23:11.211Z"
      "sourceAddress": "9891yyyyyyyy",
      "destinationAddress": "989000xxxx",
      "messageText": "Another incoming message",
      "receiveDateTime": "2022-04-05T13:40:57.793Z"
  "resultCode": 100

Sample Response (No Messages):

  "message": "Item not found!",
  "succeeded": false,
  "resultCode": 109

Delivery Reports

Retrieve the status of sent messages using delivery reports.




Authorization: Bearer {your access token} | Basic | ApiKey

Optional Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
messageId string Unique ID of the sent message
sourceAddress string Sender's number
destinationAddress string Recipient's number
status string Filter by delivery status (delivered, failed)
startDateTime string Filter reports from this date
endDateTime string Filter reports up to this date

Sample Response (With Delivery Reports):

  "message": "Successfully done.",
  "succeeded": true,
  "data": [
      "messageId": "624ed1bbcd0efb1ef148e0a0",
      "status": "delivered",
      "deliveryDateTime": "2022-04-04T12:00:00.000Z"
      "messageId": "624ed1bbcd0efb1ef148e0a1",
      "status": "failed",
      "deliveryDateTime": "2022-04-04T12:05:00.000Z"
  "resultCode": 100

Sample Response (No Reports Found):

  "message": "Item not found!",
  "succeeded": false,
  "resultCode": 109

User Information

To retrieve user information including credit, dedicated numbers, and sending limits, use the following method:



Sample Response:

    "message": "Successfully done.",
    "succeeded": true,
    "data": {
        "userName": "username",
        "firstName": "name",
        "lastName": "family",
        "credit": 5000.0,
        "mps": 1000,
        "senderIds": [
    "resultCode": 100

Pattern-Based Messaging

To use pattern-based messaging, you must first define and approve a Pattern in the dashboard. Then you can use the following method:



Required Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
Destinations Array List of recipient numbers
Parameters Array Parameters to replace in the pattern
PatternId string Pattern ID from the dashboard

Sample Request:

    "Destinations": ["9891xxxxxxx"],
    "Parameters": ["Mr.", "Saeed Saeedi", "Mellat"],
    "PatternId": "12345-pattern-id"

Sample Response:

    "message": "Successfully done.",
    "succeeded": true,
    "data": ["624ed1bbcd0efb1ef148e0a0"],
    "resultCode": 100

Utility Methods (Ping and IP Check)

IP Check

To check the user's IP, use the following method:


Response: Returns the user's IP address.

Ping Method

To check the server's health, use the following method:


Response: Returns PONG.

Error Codes

Here are the specific error codes for Arad SMS API:

Sending Errors

Code Error Description
0 Send Error General error in sending message
-1 Not Enough Credit Insufficient account balance
-2 Server Error Server-side error
-3 DE ACTIVE Account User account is deactivated
-4 Expired Account User account has expired
-5 Invalid Username or Password Incorrect username or password
-6 Authentication Failure Authentication failed
-7 Server Busy Server is currently busy
-8 Number At Blacklist Recipient number is blacklisted
-9 Limited In Send Day Daily sending limit exceeded
-10 Limited In Volume Sending volume limit exceeded
-11 Invalid Sender Number Invalid sender number
-12 Invalid Receiver Number Invalid recipient number
-13 Invalid Destination Network Invalid recipient network
-14 Unreachable Network Recipient network is unreachable
-15 DE ACTIVE Sender Number Sender number is deactivated
-16 Invalid Format of Sender Number Incorrect format for sender number
-17 Tariff Not Found No tariff found for the message
-18 Invalid IP Address Sender IP address is invalid
-19 Invalid Pattern Invalid message pattern
-20 Expired Sender Number Sender number has expired
-21 Message Contains Link Message contains a link
-22 Invalid Port Invalid port specified
-23 Message Too Long Message text is too long
-24 Filter Word Message contains filtered words
-25 Invalid Reference Number Type Incorrect reference number type
-26 Invalid Target UDH Invalid UDH data
-27 Limited In Send Month Monthly sending limit exceeded
-28 Data Coding Not Allowed Data coding is not allowed
-29 Not Found Route No route found for the message
-30 Message Contains Scripts Message contains scripts
-31 Setting Not Found Required settings not found
-32 Content Filter Message content is filtered
-33 Invalid Character Message contains invalid characters
-34 SMS Wallet Not Enough Credit Insufficient SMS wallet credit
-35 Campaign Exists The campaign already exists.
-36 Approver Not Found The approver was not found.
-37 Due Date Less Than Current Date The due date is earlier than the current date.
-38 Invalid Message Request ID The message request ID is invalid.
-39 Message Request Not Waiting For Approve The message request is not pending approval.
-40 Expire Date Less Than Due Date The expiration date is earlier than the due date.
-41 Limited In Schedule Scheduling limit exceeded.
-42 Too Many Requests Too many requests sent in a short period.
-43 Cache Server Error An error occurred in the cache server.

Delivery Status Codes

These codes represent the delivery status of your messages.

Code Status Description
1 Delivered Message successfully delivered to the recipient's phone.
2 UnDelivered Message was not delivered to the recipient.
3 Accepted Message received by the service provider, pending send.
5 Rejected Message rejected by the service provider.
7 ErrorInSending An error occurred during message sending.
8 WaitingForSend Message is waiting to be sent.
9 Sent Message has been sent.
10 NotSent Message was not sent.
11 Expired Message expired before delivery.
14 BlackList Recipient number is blacklisted.
15 SmsIsFilter Message content was filtered.
16 Deleted Message has been deleted.
29 Stored Message has been stored.
32 Unknown Delivery status is unknown.
33 Enroute Message is en route; final status not determined.
34 Undeliverable Message is undeliverable.
36 UnreachableNetwork The recipient's network is unreachable.

API Return Codes

These codes indicate the API's response to your requests.

Code Status Description
100 Succeeded The request was successfully processed.
101 Database Error An error occurred in the database.
102 Repository Error An error occurred in the repository layer.
103 Model Error There is an error in the data model.
104 API Connection Attempt Failure Failed to connect to the API.
105 Service Un-Available The service is currently unavailable.
106 Confirm Email Failed Email confirmation failed.
107 User Not Found The user was not found.
108 Duplicate Error The item already exists.
109 Not Found The requested item was not found.
110 Unable To Create Result Api Error Unable to create API response.
111 Auto Mapper Error An error occurred during object mapping.
112 General Failure A general failure occurred.
113 Web Service Error An error occurred in a third-party web service.
114 Error Getting Token from Idp Failed to retrieve token from identity provider (IdP).
115 Error Retrieving Data from AppSettings Failed to retrieve data from application settings.
116 Header Error The request headers were not correctly configured.
117 Bad Request Error There was an issue with the request body.
118 Rate Limit Exceed Response The user exceeded the allowed sending rate.
119 User Tariff Null No tariff is assigned to the user.
120 Limit On Daily Submissions The user has reached the daily sending limit.
121 Limit On Monthly Submissions The user has reached the monthly sending limit.
122 Send To Whitelist Only Sending is restricted to the whitelist only.
123 Enter Whitelist Template Whitelist template name is required.
124 Enter Whitelist Message Text Whitelist message text is required.
125 Whitelist Template Not Found The specified whitelist template was not found.

Sample Requests

Here are some example requests to help you get started with the Arad SMS API.

1. Send Single SMS

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

    "SourceAddress": "989000xxxx",
    "DestinationAddress": "9891xxxxxxxx",
    "MessageText": "Hello from Arad SMS !"

2. Send Bulk SMS

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

  "SourceAddress": "989000xxxx",
  "MessageText": "Promotional offer from Arad!",
  "DestinationAddress": ["9891xxxxxxxx", "9891yyyyyyyy", "9891zzzzzzzz"]

3. Send P2P Bulk SMS

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

  "SourceAddress": "989000xxxx",
  "Messages": [
      "DestinationAddress": "9891xxxxxxxx",
      "MessageText": "Hello Ali! Your appointment is at 3 PM."
      "DestinationAddress": "9891yyyyyyyy",
      "MessageText": "Hello Sara! Your order #1234 has been shipped."

4. Retrieve Incoming Messages (MO)

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

5. Retrieve Delivery Reports

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

Contact & Support

For further assistance or inquiries, please contact our support team:


  • +98 31 91083200
  • +98 31 91083100



Our support team is available during business hours to assist with any technical issues or questions related to the API.

Thank you for using Arad SMS API. We look forward to helping you achieve seamless and reliable messaging solutions!