is a command line utility program that creates composite FIMs for different flow conditions utilizing input FIM libraries and rating curves database.
can work directly with FIM libraries stored on the cloud.
It has the following basic commands:
: Given a flow file and a rating curves database, create a control table of reach flows and downstream boundary conditions.fim
: Given a control table and a fim library folder. Create a flood inundation map for the control conditions.
The following advanced commands are available but are not commonly needed:
: Given a FIM library folder and a rating curves database, validate there is one-to-one correspondence between the entries of the rating curves table and FIM library objects.
must be installed and available in PATH
Current support is for English units. The flow values must be in cfs
Follow install instructions at INSTALL.md
Get familiar using
flows2fim -h
andflows2fim COMMAND -h
. -
Download Baxter sample data from
if you don't have a dataset already. -
To create a control file from the 100yr flows file run
flows2fim controls -db "Baxter/ripple.gpkg" -f "Baxter/flows/flows_100yr_cfs.csv" -o "Baxter/controls_100yr.csv" -sids 2821866
To create Depth VRT run
flows2fim fim -lib "Baxter/library" -c "Baxter/controls_100yr.csv" -o "Baxter/fim_100yr.vrt"
Clone the repository and perform the following steps from the root of the repo.
Download Baxter testdata from
folder. -
Launch a docker container using
docker compose up
and run the following commands inside the container -
go run main.go controls -db "testdata/Baxter/ripple.gpkg" -f "testdata/Baxter/flows/flows_100yr_cfs.csv" -o "testdata/Baxter/controls_100yr.csv" -sids 2821866
This will create a controls.csv file -
go run main.go fim -lib "testdata/Baxter/library" -c "testdata/Baxter/controls_100yr.csv" -o "testdata/Baxter/fim_100yr.vrt"
This will create a VRT file. VRT can be tested by loading in QGIS.
- Run
go test ./...
to run automated tests.
Run ./scripts/build-linux-amd64.sh
This will place the executable in builds/linux-amd64