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API & Front(SSR) Dockerized (Nginx, Certbot, nuxtjs)

Build Setup

1) First of all you will need to uncomment the proxy and certbot services from the root docker-compose.production.yml file and also comment out the following lines like this:

#    external:
#      name: nginx_web

2) Then we allow execution permission to and execute it. This will create our dummy certificates for nginx to be able to be executed later.

## Install dummy certs to start nginx without problems.
$ chmod 0755 and 
$ ./ production email domain www.domain

3) Stop the services created by our last execution.

## Stop the services specifying a docker-compose file and not removing volumes 
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml down

4) We're going to deploy our application.

First, we need to redo the changes done at step 1.

We do this because when executing by the first time, we only need to execute nginx and certbot containers with a network called web. And now we want to create a network inside web called nginx_web that connects our proxy container with nuxtjs container.

Once done, we can proceed.

So we're executing docker-compose up from the docker-compose file inside nginx folder and then from the root.

## Run proxy (Nginx) and certbot containers firstly.
$ cd nginx/
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up --build -d
$ cd ..
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up --build -d

That's all folks!

REMEMBER TO SET THE CORRESPONDING DNS (Cloudflare, Google Cloud DNS, etc.). If not it won't run

Useful Docker commands

## Show running containers (optional: -l -a).
$ docker ps

## Check Nginx configuration for correct syntax.
$ cd nginx
$ sudo docker container exec proxy nginx -t

## Reload Nginx inside coker container.
$ cd nginx
$ sudo docker container exec proxy nginx -s reload

Stop commands:

## Stop proxy service (recommended use because using docker-compose).
$ cd nginx
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml down

## Stop nuxtjs service (recommended use because using docker-compose).
## In Root folder of the project launch the following:
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml down

## Stop container (not recomended).
$ sudo docker stop [CONTAINER_NAME]

## Remove container.
$ sudo docker rm [CONTAINER_NAME]

Remove all stopped containers and not used volumes, networks, images without at least one container associated to them and all build cache

$ sudo docker system prune -a --volumes   

Get changes from git repo.

$ git pull 
