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[single node perf] Recalibrate and improve regression perf test #145

[single node perf] Recalibrate and improve regression perf test

[single node perf] Recalibrate and improve regression perf test #145

name: Trigger Processor Tests on JSON Change
pull_request: # Trigger on PR-level events
- main
# the required permissions to request the ID token
id-token: write # This is required for GCP authentication
contents: read # Ensure the workflow has access to repository contents
runs-on: runs-on,cpu=64,family=c7,hdd=500,image=aptos-ubuntu-x64,run-id=${{ github.run_id }}
- name: Checkout the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
- name: Set up Rust
uses: aptos-labs/aptos-core/.github/actions/rust-setup@main
# Install necessary system dependencies
- name: Install system dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev pkg-config
# Ensure Rust is updated
- name: Update Rust toolchain
run: rustup update
- name: Run CLI to Generate JSON Files
run: |
cd ecosystem/indexer-grpc/indexer-transaction-generator
cargo run -- --testing-folder ./example_tests --output-folder ../indexer-test-transactions/new_json_transactions
- name: Install jq
run: sudo apt-get install jq # Ensure jq is installed for JSON processing
# TODO: improve this step to be easily maintainable and extensible
# Prepare Original and New JSON Files
- name: Prepare and Clean JSON Files
run: |
cd ecosystem/indexer-grpc/indexer-test-transactions
for folder in json_transactions/scripted_transactions new_json_transactions/scripted_transactions; do
for file in $folder/*.json; do
echo "Processing $file..."
base_file=$(basename "$file")
jq 'del(.timestamp,
| (.info.changes[] |=
if type == "string" then
| del(.authentication_key)
| walk(if type == "object" and has("addr") then del(.addr) else . end)
| tostring)
else . end)' "$file" > "$folder/cleaned_$base_file"
- name: Compare JSON Files Across Multiple Folders
id: diff_check
run: |
. scripts/
- name: Handle New Files and Differences
run: |
echo "Checking outputs from diff_check step..."
echo "New file found: ${{ steps.diff_check.outputs.new_file_found }}"
echo "Diff found: ${{ steps.diff_check.outputs.diff_found }}"
if [ "${{ steps.diff_check.outputs.new_file_found }}" == "true" ]; then
echo "New JSON files detected:"
echo "${{ steps.diff_check.outputs.new_files }}" # Print all new files with paths
exit 0 # Fail the workflow to enforce manual review
elif [ "${{ steps.diff_check.outputs.diff_found }}" == "true" ]; then
echo "Differences detected. Proceeding with dispatch event."
echo "Modified files:"
echo "${{ steps.diff_check.outputs.modified_files }}" # Print modified files with paths
echo "No differences or new files detected."
exit 0 # Proceed successfully only if no new files or differences are found
- id: auth
if: steps.diff_check.outputs.diff_found == 'true' && steps.diff_check.outputs.new_file_found == 'false'
uses: "google-github-actions/auth@v2"
workload_identity_provider: ${{ secrets.GCP_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER }}
service_account: ${{ secrets.GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL }}
- name: Log active service account email
if: steps.diff_check.outputs.diff_found == 'true' && steps.diff_check.outputs.new_file_found == 'false'
run: |
gcloud auth list --filter=status:ACTIVE --format="value(account)"
- id: 'secrets'
if: steps.diff_check.outputs.diff_found == 'true' && steps.diff_check.outputs.new_file_found == 'false'
uses: 'google-github-actions/get-secretmanager-secrets@v2'
secrets: |-
# Conditionally Dispatch Event to Processor Repo if Differences Found
- name: Dispatch Event to Processor Repo
if: steps.diff_check.outputs.diff_found == 'true' && steps.diff_check.outputs.new_file_found == 'false'
uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v3.0.0
TOKEN: '${{ steps.secrets.outputs.token }}'
repository: 'aptos-labs/aptos-indexer-processors'
event-type: 'test-txn-json-change-detected'
client-payload: '{"commit_hash": "${{ github.sha }}"}'
# Poll Processor Repo for Workflow Run Status and Memorize Run ID to check the job status
- name: Poll for Workflow Run and Wait for Job Completion
if: steps.diff_check.outputs.diff_found == 'true' && steps.diff_check.outputs.new_file_found == 'false'
id: poll_status
run: |
. scripts/
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ steps.secrets.outputs.token }} # Pass the correct GitHub token
GITHUB_SHA: ${{ github.sha }}