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                   WELCOME TO TURBO PASCAL 5.5

This README file contains important, last minute information
about Turbo Pascal 5.5. The HELPME!.DOC file also answers many
common Technical Support questions.


  1.  Turbo Debugger
  2.  Important Notes & Additions
  3.  Tour - New introduction to the IDE
  4.  Corrections to the manual
  5.  Turbo Pascal 5.5 and the Toolboxes
  6.  Listing of Files on the Disks

  Turbo Debugger has been upgraded to version 1.5 to support
  Turbo Pascal 5.5's object-oriented extensions. You can debug
  both 5.0 and 5.5 programs with the new release of TD (1.5). If
  you have TD 1.0, you can still debug any TP 5.5 programs that
  do not use objects.

  If you don't already have Turbo Debugger 1.5, call Customer
  Service for information about upgrading: (408) 438-5300.


o REBUILD TPUs. Remember to rebuild your old units with version
  5.5 or you'll get an error 72 (Unit file format error) when you
  try to use that unit. To rebuild an entire program from the
  Integrated Development Environment, load the main program into
  the editor and select the COMPILE/BUILD menu command. If you
  are using the command-line compiler, type:

    tpc /b ProgramName

  You'll need to have all source code available in the logged
  directory or in the OPTIONS\DIRECTORY\UNIT DIRECTORY path.

o COMPILER ERROR MESSAGES. The following compiler error
  messages have been added or modified:

     99 File and procedure types are not allowed here
    146 File access denied

o RUN-TIME ERROR MESSAGE. The following new run-time error
  message will occur if range-checking is on {$R+} and a call is
  made to an object's virtual method when that object has not yet
  been initialized via a constructor call (see Page 37 in the
  Object-Oriented Programming Guide for more information):

    210 Object not initialized


  Version 5.5 now includes Tour, an online introduction to the
  Integrated Development Environment (IDE). If you are new to
  Turbo Pascal, spending 15 minutes with Tour will get you up to
  speed in the IDE.


o Page 3: The reference to using TINST at the bottom of the page
  should indicate Page 308 of the User's Guide.

o Page 94: To perform more complete error checking in the
  code fragment at the top of the page, insert a conditional
  statement immediately after the OverInitEMS call:

    if (OvrResult = OvrOK) then
      SaveOvrRead := OvrReadBuf;  { Save EMS default }
      OvrReadBuf := MyOvrRead;    { Install ours }
      UsingEMS := true;

o Page 114 - 118: Corrections or Additions to the Index

    extensibility  46,78
    Fail           107
    with (reserved word)
       statement   13,22,78,82
         implicit  17


The source code from version 4.0 of all Turbo Pascal toolboxes
(including the Turbo Pascal Tutor) is fully compatible with 5.5.


  INSTALL  EXE  - Installs Turbo Pascal on your system
  README   COM  - Program to display README file
  TURBO    EXE  - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment
  TURBO    TPL  - Resident units for Turbo Pascal
  TPC      EXE  - Command-line version of Turbo Pascal
  README        - This file!

  UNPACK   COM  - Unpacks .ARC files
  HELP     ARC  - Archived Turbo Pascal Help File (TURBO.HLP)
  TOUR     ARC  - Archived Tour of the Integrated
                  Development Environment

    TOUR     EXE   - Tour program
    TPTOUR1  CBT   - Tour data file
    TPTOUR2  CBT   - Tour data file

  THELP    COM  - Memory-resident help program so you can get
                  Online Help even if you are not working in the
                  Integrated Development Environment.

  OOPDEMOS ARC  - Packed file that contains object-oriented
                  programming (OOP) examples

    OOPDEMOS DOC  - Documentation overview of OOP examples

    ODEMO    PAS  - Example for OBJECTS.PAS
    OBJECTS  PAS  - OOP unit that defines some basic object types
    BUFSTM   ASM  - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
    DOSSTM   ASM  - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
    STREAM   ASM  - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
    OBJECTS  INC  - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
    DOSSTM   OBJ  - .OBJ file for OBJECTS.PAS
    BUFSTM   OBJ  - .OBJ file for OBJECTS.PAS
    STREAM   OBJ  - .OBJ file for OBJECTS.PAS

    FDEMO    PAS  - Example for FORMS.PAS, SLIDERS.PAS
    FORMS    PAS  - OOP forms entry/edit unit
    SLIDERS  PAS  - OOP unit that extends FORMS.PAS

    CARDFILE PAS  - Database example for CARDS.PAS
    CARDS    DTA  - Example data for CARDFILE.PAS
    CARDS    PAS  - OOP unit that implements cards database
    CARDGEN  PAS  - Generates example databases for CARDFILE.PAS

    BREAKOUT PAS  - OOP game example
    BOUNDS   PAS  - OOP unit for Breakout demo
    BRICKS   PAS  - OOP unit for Breakout demo
    WALLS    PAS  - OOP unit for Breakout demo
    COUNT    PAS  - OOP unit for Breakout demo
    SCREEN   PAS  - OOP unit for Breakout demo

    POINTS   PAS  - From page 20 of the OOP Guide
    FIGURES  PAS  - From page 42 of the OOP Guide
    FIGDEMO  PAS  - From page 47 of the OOP Guide
    LISTDEMO PAS  - From page 57 of the OOP Guide

  TCALC    ARC  - Packed file with complete source code to
                  new object-oriented Turbo Calc example program

    TCALC    PAS  - Turbo Calc example program
    TCALC    DOC  - Documentation for TCALC demo
    TCCELL   PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCCELLSP PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCHASH   PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCINPUT  PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCLSTR   PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCMENU   PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCPARSER PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCRUN    PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCSCREEN PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCSHEET  PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCUTIL   PAS  - OOP unit for TCALC demo
    TCCOMPAR ASM  - Assembler code for TCALC demo
    TCMVSMEM ASM  - Assembler code for TCALC demo
    TCCOMPAR OBJ  - .OBJ file for TCALC demo
    TCMVSMEM OBJ  - .OBJ file for TCALC demo

  DEMOS    ARC  - Packed file that contains example (non-object
                  oriented) programs

    WINDEMO  PAS  - WIN.PAS demo
    WIN      PAS  - Simple windowing extensions to Crt unit
    WIN      ASM  - Assembler code for WIN.PAS
    WIN      OBJ  - .OBJ file for WIN.PAS

    EXECDEMO PAS  - Executes a child program (DOS unit)
    DIRDEMO  PAS  - Displays directory, uses procedural types
    CRTDEMO  PAS  - Crt unit demo
    OVRDEMO  PAS  - Overlay unit demo
    OVRDEMO1 PAS  - Example unit for OVRDEMO.PAS
    OVRDEMO2 PAS  - Example unit for OVRDEMO.PAS
    CIRCULAR PAS  - Demos the USES clause in implementation section
    DISPLAY  PAS  - Example unit for CIRCULAR.PAS
    ERROR    PAS  - Example unit for CIRCULAR.PAS
    QSORT    PAS  - QuickSort example
    LISTER   PAS  - Printer unit demo
    HILB     PAS  - Floating-point demo
    FIB8087  PAS  - Recursive example that uses the 8087 math
                    coprocessor and avoids 8087 stack overflow
    PROCVAR  PAS  - Simple procedural types demo
    EMS      PAS  - Example program that shows how to use expanded
                    memory from your programs
    CPASDEMO PAS  - Example program that shows how to link TURBO C .OBJ
                    files into Turbo Pascal programs
    CPASDEMO C    - C program for use with CPASDEMO.PAS
    CTOPAS   TC   - Turbo C configuration file to use with TC.EXE
                    for producing .OBJ files that can be linked with
                    Turbo Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)
    TURBOC   CFG  - Turbo C configuration file to use with TCC.EXE for
                    producing .OBJ files that can be linked with Turbo
                    Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)

  BGI      ARC  - Packed file that contains graphics documentation,
                  drivers, fonts, and examples

    GRAPH    TPU  - Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Graph unit
    ATT      BGI  - Graphics device driver for AT&T 6300
    CGA      BGI  - Graphics device driver for CGA and MCGA
    EGAVGA   BGI  - Graphics device driver for EGA and VGA
    HERC     BGI  - Graphics device driver for Hercules mono
    PC3270   BGI  - Graphics device driver for 3270 PC
    IBM8514  BGI  - Graphics device driver for IBM 8514
    GOTH     CHR  - Gothic font character set
    LITT     CHR  - Small font character set
    SANS     CHR  - Sans serif font character set
    TRIP     CHR  - Triplex font character set
    BGIDEMO  PAS  - Graph unit example
    ARTY     PAS  - Graph unit example
    BGILINK  PAS  - Graph unit example that shows how to link
                    font and driver files into an .EXE file
    DRIVERS  PAS  - Example unit for use with BGILINK.PAS
    FONTS    PAS  - Example unit for use with BGILINK.PAS
    BGILINK  MAK  - Make file for use with BGILINK.PAS

  DOC      ARC  - Interface section listings for system units

    THELP    DOC  - Documentation for memory-resident help utility
    SYSTEM   DOC  - Interface section listing for the System unit
    DOS      DOC  - Interface section listing for the Dos unit
    CRT      DOC  - Interface section listing for the Crt unit
    PRINTER  DOC  - Interface section listing for the Printer unit
    OVERLAY  DOC  - Interface section listing for the Overlay unit
    GRAPH    DOC  - Interface section listing for the Graph unit
    TURBO3   DOC  - Interface section listing for the Turbo3 unit
    GRAPH3   DOC  - Interface section listing for the Graph3 unit
    HELPME!  DOC  - Text file with the answers to many common
                    questions. If you have a technical question
                    about Turbo Pascal, chances are good that the
                    question and answer are in HELPME!.DOC.

  TINSTXFR EXE  - Transfers 4.0 and 5.0 IDE customizations to 5.5
  UTILS    ARC  - Packed file that contains a number of useful

    TINST    EXE  - Customization program for TURBO.EXE
    MAKE     EXE  - Manages projects
    GREP     COM  - Searches text files for strings
    TOUCH    COM  - Changes a file's timestamp to force re-compilation
    BINOBJ   EXE  - Converts a binary data file to an .OBJ file
    TPUMOVER EXE  - Unit mover utility
    TPCONFIG EXE  - Converts .TP files to .CFG

  TURBO3   ARC  - Turbo 3.0 compatibility files

    UPGRADE  EXE  - Program that converts 3.0 programs to 5.5
    UPGRADE  DTA  - Data file for UPGRADE.EXE
    TURBO3   TPU  - TURBO3 compatibility unit
    GRAPH3   TPU  - GRAPH3 compatibility unit (turtle graphics)
    BCD      PAS  - Unit to convert Turbo Pascal 3.0 BCD reals to
                    Turbo Pascal 5.5 floating point numbers


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