Modification of pret's nice
I like clefairy. Sounds like a good starter to me, no? A 'pink' version was allegedly considered as sister game for yellow, would have starred jigglypuff.
- starter is now clefairy
- moves learned by level are now similar to Gen III rather than gen I, as it was unbecoming of a starter
- Encore, and Follow Me were omitted
- Cosmic power was replaced with Amnesia
- Meteor Mash was replaced with Body Slam
- Moonlight with Recover.
- the 'talk to that pokemon following you to see how its doing' images were replaced with clefairy
- note: I'm not an artist, so the actual eyes/mouth from pikachu were retained and the clefairy's body has no variations
- it's incomplete, there are visual issues in some situations.
- clefairy ... still says 'pikachu' when you talk to it.