I'm Apratim also known as Earthing in the virtual world. I'm a Master's in Computer Science student at the University of California, Davis aiming at enhancing subject knowledge by researching cutting-edge methodologies and developing scalable applications to solve real-world problems. As a Full-Stack Web Developer, I have experimented with Machine Learning, Blockchain, and REST API. Proficient in developing applications using stacks such as MERNG, LAMP, LEMP, and frameworks such as Flask. I'm an open-source aficionado and relish collaborating on enthralling projects. Feel free to connect with me here:
- 🤔 I use daily
- 🌱 I’m currently exploring cryptography
- 💬 Talk to me about movies, philosophy, history and coding
- 😄 Pronouns: He/His/Him
- 📝 Ex-Chapter Lead of OWASP Student Chapter at VIT Chennai
- 👯 We can connect on Discord to discuss insane ideas
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm INTJ-T ☄️
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- 🗰 Mood Meter: