This code is a facial recognition system for RaspberryPi based on 3D frontalization for face alignment and LBPH for recognition.
It is tested on Python3.6, and it uses dlib, Opencv3.0 and flask (for streaming the output to your web browser)
pip install -r requirements.txt
To use it you must first create a database of the persons you want to recognize by filming the persons using the raspberry pi's camera (resolution: 320x240) and placing the videos of each person in a directory that has his/her name.
python --name_of_person my_name
To build your database of aligned faces run:
The frontalization algorithm is based on the implementation in : It has been changed in order to adapt for facial recognition on a raspberry Pi.
To test the algorithm using the raspberry s camera run:
python --ip "the ip adress of the raspberry" -o 8000
Type the ip adress of your raspberry followed by :8000 in your browser to see the video stream