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Streaming Slack Notify

GitHub App

Streaming Slack Notify

GitHub App

The definitive service for streaming GitHub action workflow jobs to Slack.


Note: You must register your Slack workspace first prior to installing this application as your Slack app ID token is required in the GitHub App Post-Install Configuration.

1. Slack App

  1. First, install the Streaming Slack Notify application in your Slack workspace using the Add to Slack button.

    Add to Slack

  2. Copy the Streaming Slack App ID displayed in the green box (Required in GitHub Post-Install Configuration)

2. GitHub App

  1. Install the Streaming Slack Notify GitHub application by clicking Install in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the organization or user account to install the app
  3. Select which repositories you want to configure streaming Slack notifications for - Either all or a defined list
  4. Click Install

Post-Install Configuration

  1. On the GitHub post-install configuration page, paste the token generated in the Slack app registration into the Streaming Slack App ID

  2. Specify the channel you would like all Slack notifications displayed in

  3. Optionally, you can override the default Slack Bot Username that posts the messages in the channel. (Default = GitHub Actions)

  4. Click Update to save and link your settings


Streaming Slack Notify is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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