This is a small library that extends and modifies just a few of the Database module's classes/methods. Since all features (but one) are optional, the module can be dropped into existing projects that use Kohana's database module.
- Kohana's database module. This extended database module must be defined BEFORE the native database module in the bootstrap modules array.
- Cache module (optional)
- Doesn't use the query type (Database::SELECT, Database::UPDATE, etc.) because it is unnecessary and potentially conflicting. Query results are returned just as expected based on the result type, not the Kohana Database query type.
- Uses the cache module to replace Kohana's internal cache if available and offers more flexible resultset caching.
- Plug and play into existing projects.
- Transactions
- A new class named Query extends DB and can be used as a functionally identical replacement. The new name better represents the purpose of the class. Also, DB is semantically identical to Database.
- Query "type" is not necessary, and even if used it is ignored. Both driver classes (mysql and pdo) detect which of the 3 types of Kohana database results to return automatically (a resultset, an array containing insert id and rows affected, or an integer rows affected). So Database::SELECT, Database::INSERT, etc. are no longer used.
- The Query class has one new method called sql() which accepts one sql string parameter. Query::sql($sql) can replace DB::query(NULL, $sql), or DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql), etc. They are functionally equivalent.
- Database_Query has a new method called cache(). It is more flexible than the existing cached() method for two reasons. If available, it uses the cache module as opposed to Kohana's default internal cache. Also, in addition to the integer "lifetime" parameter, it accepts an additional boolean parameter "check". So cache can now be retrieved, set, deleted, and refreshed using different combinations of the two parameters. The cached() method is still available and, even though it now calls cache(), the results are unchanged and as expected if not using the cache module.
- Transaction support.
- Support for the database caching config variable. Although this variable is defined in the Kohana database config, it wasn't supported. Now, if the "caching" config variable is set to FALSE, all queries that use the Kohana cached() or xdatabase cache() methods won't use caching. This is convenient when testing or developing.
Removed the Database::default_instance method. Kohana 3.0.5 introduced the Database::$default variable which should be used instead. In the bootstrap use:
Database::$default = 'config_group_name'; // or Database::$default = Kohana::$environment;
IMPORTANT: This module must be defined BEFORE the native database module in the bootstrap modules array.
Since the Query class extends DB, its usage is the same:
- Query::select()->from('my_table')->execute();
Query has one new method called sql(). It is functionally identical to DB::query($type, $sql):
- Query::sql($sql)->execute();
- Query::sql($sql)->param(':my_param',$my_param)->execute();
As with the existing cached() method, cache() should only be used with queries that return a resultset (select queries).
The $check boolean param is used to check for a cache value. The integer $lifetime param is to set the $lifetime, or use the default if null, or delete cache if 0. The string $type param is to set the cache driver to something other than the default when using the cache module.
- Query::sql($sql)->cache()->execute();
- Query::select()->from('my_table')->cache(true,3600)->execute();
- DB::select()->from('my_table')->cache()->execute();
Simplified usage for both the Kohana internal cache and the cache module:
- cache(); Get/set.
- cache(true, 60); Get/set.
- cache(true, 0); Delete.
- cache(false); Refresh.
- cache(false, 60); Refresh.
- cache(false, 0); Delete.
Specific usage for cache module:
- cache(); Get or set cache. Get cache. If empty, set cache using default lifetime.
- cache(true, 60); Get or set cache. Same as above cache() but using specified lifetime.
- cache(true, 0); Delete cache. Check and return cache if it exists, but also delete cache for this query. If cache doesn't exist, then same effect as not using cache().
- cache(false); Refresh cache. Don't check cache, but cache the new results using the default lifetime.
- cache(false, 60); Refresh cache. Same as above cache(false) but using specified lifetime.
- cache(false, 0); Delete cache. Don't check cache and delete cache for this query if it was previously cached.
- cache(true, 60, 'memcache'); Use a specific cache driver.
Specific usage if no cache module. Note that lifetime is meaningless when setting cache:
- cache(); Get or set cache. 1) If cache exists and is younger than default lifetime, then get cache. If older than default time, delete cache. 2) Else set cache. Lifetime not used when setting.
- cache(true, 60); Same as above cache(), but use specified lifetime instead of default lifetime.
- cache(true, 0); Delete cache. Doesn't get or set cache.
- cache(false); Refresh cache. Don't check cache, but cache the new results ignoring lifetime.
- cache(false, 60); Refresh cache. Same as above cache(false) since lifetime ignored when setting.
- cache(false, 0); Delete cache. Same as cache(true, 0);
Example using the xdatabase Query class
try { Query::begin(); Query::sql($sql)->execute(); // ... more code/queries Query::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { Query::rollback(); }
Example using existing Kohana style
$db = Database::instance(); $db->begin(); DB::query(Database::INSERT, $sql)->execute($db); // ... more code/queries ... if ($conditions_met) { $db->commit(); } else { $db->rollback(); }
Example using the Query class without the default database
$db = Database::instance('alternate'); Query::begin($db); Query::sql($sql)->execute($db); // ... more code/queries ... if ($conditions_met) { Query::commit($db); } else { Query::rollback($db); }