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Δ Importer

What is this?

  • Delta Importer is a tool designed to be run on the Storage Provider infrastructure.
  • It facilitates automation of import deals - that is, importing .car files from the filesystem that match the CID of deal proposals sent to the provider.
  • It integrates with Delta-DM (Dataset Manager) to request deals from the self-service API, facilitating a fully automated dealmaking & deal ingestion pipeline.
  • It has multiple modes of operation, covering a variety of different data ingestion strategies
  • It’s designed from the ground up to be high performance, written in Go. It has tuneable import frequency/concurrent maximum to optimize for sealing throughput
  • Only one instance of Delta Importer is required per instance of Boost

Project Goals

We intend to make the deal ingestion process fully automated, intelligent and streamlined, such that there is no functional difference between End-to-end (Online) and Import (Offline) deals. This will allow large-scale providers to easily and efficiently onboard large datasets, where the data transfer is decoupled from the dealmaking process.


Assumption: all carfiles to import are named <pieceCID>.car , which matches the PieceCID of the deal made with Boost. This obviates the need for a File<>Deal mapping, as the importer can simply scan the filesystem for a file matching the PieceCID of the deal.


Perform the following steps from a user account with root privileges. Note: Once installed, the delta-importer binary can be run from any user account.

Build from Source

  1. Clone git clone
  2. make all
  3. make install

This will install the delta-importer binary to /usr/local/bin. Test it out by running delta-importer --help.



   delta-importer - An application to facilitate importing deals into a Filecoin Storage Provider

   delta-importer [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   daemon, d  run the delta-importer daemon to continuously import deals
   stats      get stats about imported deals
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

Running the Importer Daemon


By default, delta-importer stores all its local data in the ~/delta/importer directory for the currently running user. If it does not exist, the tool will attempt to create the directory structure on first launch of the daemon command. This can be changed using the --dir flag or DELTA_DIR environment variable.

Command-Line Operation

Delta Importer daemon requires a few configuration options to be set. These can be set via environment variables, or via command line flags.

Below is an example shell script to launch the importer daemon, running in default mode, and importing a new deal every 260 seconds, until a maximum of 175 deals are active in the sealing pipeline (AP+PC1+PC2+C2).

delta-importer daemon \
  --boost-url \
  --boost-gql-port 8080 \
  --boost-port 1288 \
  --boost-auth-token XXX.YYY.ZZZ \ 
  --max_concurrent 175 \ 
  --interval 260 \ 
  --mode default  

Daemon Command Flags

  • Obtain the boost-auth-token by running the boostd auth create-token --perm admin command on your Boost node.
  • Obtain the boost-url and boost-port by running boostd auth api-info --perm admin on your Boost node.
  • The --interval and --max_concurrent flags are used to tweak the importer's speed. These parameters should be carefully tuned to match the provider's sealing throughput and available bandwidth. The example provided above is a good starting point for a provider with approximately 10TiB/day of sealing throughput.
  • See Operational Modes below for explanation of the --mode flag
  • Set the --staging-dir flag to have Delta Importer automatically copy carfiles to a staging directory before importing them. This is useful if your carfiles reside on a slower or remote filesystem, as Boost needs to read them twice (once for CommP verification, and once for AddPiece). If this is set, the carfiles will be automatically deleted from the staging directory after import is complete.


The datasets.json file is required to be present in the delta-importer data directory (defaults to ~/delta/importer/). This file maintains a mapping between client wallets (i.e, who is making deals) with a dataset slug (identifier), and a directory to search for CAR files to import.

Example datasets.json

    "dataset": "radiant-ml",
    "address": ["f1p3l3wgnfukemmaupqecwcoqp7fcgjcqgqcq7rja"],
    "dir": "/mnt/delta-datasets/radiant-poc",
    "ignore": false
    "dataset": "cancer-imaging-archive",
    "address": ["f1p3l3wgnfukemmaupqecwcoqp7fcgjcqgqcq7rja", "f2vyp7qmi4pvuj3f3qiha6oyskrjdho2xw6cjiexi"],
    "dir": "/mnt/delta-datasets/cancer-imaging-archive",
    "ignore": true

This datasets.json file will be processed in order, preferring deals with the first dataset in the list.

Using the above example,

  • If a deal is found for radiant-ml, the importer will scan the /mnt/delta-datasets/radiant-poc directory for a CAR file matching the PieceCID of the deal.
  • If a match is found, the importer will import the data.
  • If no match is found, the importer will move on to the next dataset in the list, and attempt to import data for that dataset.

Set the ignore flag to true to skip a dataset. This is useful if you want to speed-up the import loop by disabling a dataset from being imported (ex. if datacap has been exhausted, or data transfer is not complete yet)

Note: The dataset field must be unique across all entries in the datasets.json file

Operational Modes

Delta-Importer can be ran in three modes:

  1. Default (Boost Scanning) Mode: This is the default mode. --mode default // not required In this mode, Delta Importer will scan Boost for deals awaiting import, and automatically match them to CAR files on the filesystem and import them.

  1. Pull Mode - Dataset --mode pull-dataset In this mode, the Delta Importer will request deals from the DDM self-service API per-dataset, before attempting to import them.

  1. Pull Mode - CID --mode pull-cid In this mode, the Delta Importer will scan the filesystem for CAR files, and make requests to the DDM self-service API for each carfile. It will check Boost to ensure duplicate deals are not requested.

When using in either Pull Mode, the --ddm-api and --ddm-token flags are required. These indicate the DDM API endpoint and the API token to use when making deal requests to the DDM API. Contact your DDM administrator for these parameters.

Additionally, Pull Mode allows optional specification of

  • --ddm-delay-start, which delays the number of days for requested deals start epoch. Valid values are between 1 and 14, for example --ddm-delay-start 7
  • --ddm-advance-end, which advances the end epoch (i.e, shortens deal duration) by the specified number of days. Valid values are between 0 and 20, for example --ddm-advance-end 10

example pull mode (Dataset) configuration

delta-importer daemon\
--boost-url \
--boost-gql-port 8080
--boost-port 1288 \
--boost-auth-token XXX.YYY.ZZZ \ 
--max_concurrent 160 \
--interval 220 \
--mode pull-dataset \
--ddm-delay-start 7 \
--ddm-advance-end 10 \
--ddm-api \
--ddm-token 4b28d311-8be6-48d7-801f-dcb6a87ad49d 

Other commands

Run delta-importer stats to get a table showing statistics on imported deal data.