Siren API Browser client for the web.
To have a production ready Siren API Browser that is fully tested and supports all Siren API features.
This work is based to some extent on both -, and Siren browsers.
- - isn't actively supported.
- - Our browser is heavily inspired on @kevinswiber's work in terms of UI and some of the logics. Once we feel it's stable enough we'll create a pull request and hope it can be treated as the 2.0 fork of @kevinswiber's implementation. Our browser has all the functionality of @kevinswiber's browser + test coverege and support for sub-entities actions inline.
- Make sure you have node.js installed.
- Make sure you have
gulp cli
installed. if not run:
npm install --g gulp
- Make sure you have
bower cli
installed. if not run:
npm install -g bower
- clone this repository and run:
npm insall
bower install
- Run:
gulp develop
- Go to localhost:3000
gulp test
Please follow these Commit Message Conventions.
- Gulp - for build.
- Webpack - for dependencies management.
- Coffeescript - for coding.
- Karma - for testing.
- Jade - for HTML templates.