A bridge for sending broadcast events from react-native to native code
Author: Applicaster LTD
Platform Support: iOS, tvOS, Android, AndroidTV
Call sendBroadcastEvent with an event_key (String) and even_properties (type JSON) that later can be caught in the native code and handled upon receiving.
Add the dependency:
yarn add @applicaster/react-native-broadcast-manager
npm install @applicaster/react-native-broadcast-manager
Send a broadcast message
import { sendBroadcastEvent } from '@applicaster/react-native-broadcast-manager'; // ... sendBroadcastEvent("someEventName", { "key_1" : "value_1", "key_2" : "value_2", //... "key_n" : "value_n" });
Catch the event in your native project by adding the following code:
private let SomeEventName = Notification.Name("someEventName")
//Listen to react native broadcase events,
//Don't forget to release it on deinit!
selector: #selector(didReceiveEvent(_:)),
name: SomeEventName,
object: nil)
@objc func didReceiveEvent(_ notification:Notification) {
if let userInfo = notification.userInfo as [String: Any] {
The userInfo will contain a dictionary with the JSONObject you sent in the React-Native side.
//Add more logic here.
Catch the event in your native project by adding the following code:
public static final String EVENT_NAME = "event_name";
public static final String EVENT_PROPERTIES = "event_properties";
public static final String SEND_BROADCAST_ACTION = "send_broadcast_from_rn";
// Catch the send_broadcast_from_rn action sent from the RN Broadcast Manager
LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context).registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
try {
//Filter for the intent you sent in the r.n side
if ("someEventName".equals(intent.getStringExtra(EVENT_NAME))) {
//Get the event properties
val event_properties = new JSONObject(intent.getStringExtra(EVENT_PROPERTIES));
//Add more logic here
} catch (JSONException e) {
}, new IntentFilter(SEND_BROADCAST_ACTION));
If you working with an Applicaster plugin then add the following configuration to your manifest file.
- Android / Android TV
"api": {
“class_name”: “com.applicaster.reactnative.plugins.APReactNativeAdapter”,
"react_packages": [
//Add the following to the bottom of the list.
/* ... */
"npm_dependencies": [
/* ... */
"project_dependencies": [
"react-native-broadcast-manager": "./node_modules/@applicaster/react-native-broadcast-manager/Android"
/* ... */
- iOS / tvOS
/* ... */
"extra_dependencies": [
"react-native-broadcast-manager": ":path => './node_modules/@applicaster/react-native-broadcast-manager'"
/* ... */
"npm_dependencies": [
/* ... */