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Django & Stripe Mini eCommerce

Open-source eCommerce Starter that loads the products from JSON files saved in the templates directory (no database required) and uses a decent UI for page styling - Powered by Django & Stripe.

Manual Build

👉 Download the code from the GH repository (using GIT)

$ git clone
$ cd ecommerce-django-stripe

👉 Create .env using provided env.sample

Add .env file in your projects root directory and add the following credentials


👉 Install dependencies

$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

👉 Migrate DB & Start the APP

$ python migrate
$ python runserver

Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

👉 Access the products and initiate a payment

IMPORTANT: Make sure your Stripe account is running in TEST Mode and Use Test CC provided by Stripe:

  • CC Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • Any data for the rest of the fields

Create a new Product

  • Go to products/templates/products directory
  • Create a new JSON file with data:
    • name: Used in product page & Cards
    • price: Used for payment
    • currency: Used for payment
    • info: used in cards
    • short_description: used in product page
    • full_description: used in product page
  • Create Media Files
    • Go to products/static/products
    • Create a directory using the same name as for JSON file
      • Create card.jpg: 500x335px
      • Create cover.jpg: 2100x1400px
  • Start or refresh the app
    • The new product should be listed in the home page
    • Product page is available at address:
      •<SLUG>/ where the SLUG is the name of the JSON file

Load and create product from Stripe

  • Go to Create Product route in Products dropdown [You must be a superuser]
  • On the left side there should be a button Get Products From Stripe this button will pull all the products associated with the stripe account. demo
    • There will be product list, you can create a product by clicking the Create button. demo
  • On the right side you will see the local product list and a button Edit.
    • You can edit a product from here. [ID is not editable] demo

Sample product page generated for Air ZOOM Pegasus, assets loaded from here

Need More? Go PRO with Rocket eCommerce

Production-ready eCommerce CMS integrated with Stripe, Analytics, Discounts Page, Docker and CI/CD support - Actively supported by App-Generator.

Status Item info
Stack Django, Tailwind, React
Payments Stripe
Categories YES
Tags YES
Checkout YES
Discounts Page YES
Products Import Stripe
Products Local Customization YES
Analitycs Weekly, Monthly, Year Sales
Transactions Tracking YES
Docker YES
CI/CD Render

Rocket eCommerce - Production-ready eCommerce CMS integrated with Stripe, Analytics, Discounts Page, Docker and CI/CD support.

Django & Stripe Mini eCommerce - Open-source eCommerce Starter provided by App-Generator.