Django Apps crafted with authentication, database, ORM, modular codebase and deployment scripts - Actively Supported by AppSeed. For newcomers, Django is a high-level, open-source web framework written in Python that enables developers to build web applications quickly and with a clean, pragmatic design.
👉 Build your starter with Django App Generator and customize:
DB Tables
,Async Tasks
,CI/Cd Scripts
Rocket Django Tailwind
The Django boilerplate has all you need to build your SaaS, Analytics tool, or any other type of Web App. From idea to production in 5 minutes.
(DRF) •Celery Beat
Free Version | PRO Version | Custom Development |
✓ Django 4.2.9 | Everything in Free, plus: | Everything in PRO, plus: |
✓ Best Practices, Modular Codebase |
✅ OAuth GitHub |
✅ 1 Week Custom Development |
✓ TailwindCSS/Flowbite |
✅ Media Files Manager | ✅ Team: PM, Developer, Tester |
✓ Extended User Model | ✅ React / ApexCharts |
✅ Weekly Sprints |
✓ Simple Charts |
✅ Enhanced Charts | ✅ Technical SPECS |
✓ Simple DataTables |
✅ Enhanced DataTables | ✅ Documentation |
✓ API via DRF |
✅ Multi-Language (i18n) | ✅ 30 days Delivery Warranty |
✓ Docker |
✅ Sentry Error Reporting |
✅ CI/CD for AWS, DO (Extra) |
✓ Free Support (GitHub Issues) |
✅ Celery (async tasks) | - |
- | ✅ Premium Support | - |
- | ✅ Unlimited Projects & SaaS |
- |
- | ✅ Private REPO Access |
- |
- | ✅ Lifetime Updates |
- |
------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
✓ Rocket Demo | 🚀 Rocket PRO Demo | 🛒 Order : $999 (GUMROAD) |
Open-source Django project crafted on top of Material Kit, an open-source design from Creative-Tim. The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
Free Version | PRO Version | Custom Development |
✓ Django 4.2.9 | Everything in Free, plus: | Everything in PRO, plus: |
✓ Best Practices | ✅ Premium Bootstrap Design | ✅ 1mo Custom Development |
✓ Bootstrap Design | ✅ Private REPO Access |
✅ Team: PM, Developer, Tester |
✓ Docker |
✅ OAuth - Github, Twitter | ✅ Weekly Sprints |
✓ CI/CD Flow via Render |
✅ Extended User Profile | ✅ Technical SPECS |
✓ `Free Support | ✅ PRO Support - Email & Discord | ✅ Documentation |
- | ✅ Deployment Assistance | ✅ 30 days Delivery Warranty |
- | - | - |
------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
✓ LIVE Demo | 🚀 LIVE Demo | 🛒 Order : $3,999 (GUMROAD) |
Datta Able Bootstrap Lite is the most stylized Bootstrap 4 Lite Admin Template, around all other Lite/Free admin templates in the market. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code. Before developing Datta Able our key points were performance and design.
Free Version | PRO Version | Custom Development |
✓ Django 4.2.9 | Everything in Free, plus: | Everything in PRO, plus: |
✓ Best Practices | ✅ Premium Bootstrap 5 Design | ✅ 1mo Custom Development |
✓ Bootstrap 4, Datta Able Design |
✅ OAuth Google, GitHub |
✅ Team: PM, Developer, Tester |
✓ API Generator | ✅ API , Charts |
✅ Weekly Sprints |
✓ DataTables | ✅ Enhanced DataTables | ✅ Technical SPECS |
✓ Docker |
✅ Celery | ✅ Documentation |
✓ CI/CD Flow via Render |
✅ Media Files Manager | ✅ 30 days Delivery Warranty |
- | ✅ Extended User Profiles | - |
- | ✅ Automated e2e Tests | - |
- | ✅ Private REPO Access |
- |
- | ✅ PRO Support - Email & Discord | - |
- | ✅ Deployment Assistance | - |
- | - | - |
------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
✓ LIVE Demo | 🚀 LIVE Demo | 🛒 Order : $3,999 (GUMROAD) |
Free starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Django with database, authentication and Docker. Design provided by Themesberg.
Free Version | PRO Version | Custom Development |
✓ Django 4.2.9 | Everything in Free, plus: | Everything in PRO, plus: |
✓ Best Practices | ✅ Premium Bootstrap Design | ✅ 1mo Custom Development |
✓ Bootstrap Design | ✅ Private REPO Access |
✅ Team: PM, Developer, Tester |
✓ Docker |
✅ OAuth - Github, Twitter | ✅ Weekly Sprints |
✓ CI/CD Flow via Render |
✅ Extended User Profile | ✅ Technical SPECS |
✓ `Free Support | ✅ PRO Support - Email & Discord | ✅ Documentation |
- | ✅ Deployment Assistance | ✅ 30 days Delivery Warranty |
- | - | - |
------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
✓ LIVE Demo | 🚀 LIVE Demo | 🛒 Order : $3,999 (GUMROAD) |
Open-source Django project crafted on top of Soft Design, an open-source Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim. The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
Free Version | PRO Version | Custom Development |
✓ Django 4.2.9 | Everything in Free, plus: | Everything in PRO, plus: |
✓ Best Practices | ✅ Premium Bootstrap Design | ✅ 1mo Custom Development |
✓ Bootstrap Design | ✅ Private REPO Access |
✅ Team: PM, Developer, Tester |
✓ Docker |
✅ OAuth - Github, Twitter | ✅ Weekly Sprints |
✓ CI/CD Flow via Render |
✅ Extended User Profile | ✅ Technical SPECS |
✓ `Free Support | ✅ PRO Support - Email & Discord | ✅ Documentation |
- | ✅ Deployment Assistance | ✅ 30 days Delivery Warranty |
- | - | - |
------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
✓ LIVE Demo | 🚀 LIVE Demo | 🛒 Order : $3,999 (GUMROAD) |
Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites, Material Dashboard is ready to help you create stunning websites and webapps. Material Dashboard is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.
Free Version | PRO Version | Custom Development |
✓ Django 4.2.9 | Everything in Free, plus: | Everything in PRO, plus: |
✓ Best Practices | ✅ Premium Bootstrap 5 Design | ✅ 1mo Custom Development |
✓ Bootstrap 5, Material Design |
✅ OAuth Google, GitHub |
✅ Team: PM, Developer, Tester |
✓ CI/CD Flow via Render |
✅ API , Charts |
✅ Weekly Sprints |
✓ Docker |
✅ DataTables (Filters, Export) | ✅ Technical SPECS |
- | ✅ Celery | ✅ Documentation |
- | ✅ Media Files Manager | ✅ 30 days Delivery Warranty |
- | ✅ Extended User Profiles | - |
- | ✅ Private REPO Access |
- |
- | ✅ PRO Support - Email & Discord | - |
- | ✅ Deployment Assistance | - |
------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
✓ LIVE Demo | 🚀 LIVE Demo | 🛒 Order : $3,999 (GUMROAD) |
- 👉 Access AppSeed and start your next project
- 👉 Deploy Projects on Aws, Azure, and DO via DeployPRO
- 👉 Create landing pages with Simpllo, an open-source site builder
- 👉 Django App Generator - A 2nd generation App Builder