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apiraino edited this page Aug 14, 2019 · 3 revisions

Link Cleaner resurrection project

Final target

A release of a better "Link Cleaner" extension on AMO.


LinkCleaner+? LinkCleanerNew? LinkCleanerWat?


Original project seems not be maintained anymore, so two choices:

  1. fork it and publish a new extension on AMO (with credits @idlewan)
    • PRO: faster moving for us to do, completely independent
    • CON: we'd start from scratch
  2. ask grants to commit as additional maintainers, revive project
    • PRO: better project visibility, +10K downloads already
    • CON: if the previous maintainer responsive enough on merge windows and publishing on AMO?

The proposal

New feature and bugs reported from users

  • review: Please add possibility to clean links from Product Hunt (?ref=producthunt), thanks.

  • review: In order to display cleaner URL in address bar it adds second visit to history. Not worth installing for the few urls cleared in address bar and spammed history.

  • review: like these?

  • The background scripts run when a tab is reloading. Can we move scripts to content_scripts?

  • infinite loop on [ ] clean_amazon and [x] clean_utm.

  • javascript-standard linting

  • Is it possible to have multiple listeners on <all_urls> running serialized? Not sure about that.

  • copy link right-click menu only cleans from utm_*.

  • add

  • Can we avoid running the code twice when opening a new tab?

General thoughts

The big picture: try to gather interest into one single project rather having many forks with "one commit". Be responsive with pull requests.

Don't forget to be crystal clear with users on how the extension works, see this review.