Arbiter Service (Core Domain) of the CardGame
Install Docker and Docker Compose. 2. For Ubuntu, you can use Ansible Scripts we wrote. 3. For Mac or Windows you should use Docker Machine via Docker Toolbox 4. If you prefer Paralles over VirtualBox, for powering Docker Machine, you need to follow their instructions at:
Make sure your Docker daemon is up and running, e.g. on Ubuntu:
sudo service docker start
Install developer container:
git clone cd cardgame-srvc-arbiter docker-compose up -d
You can view logs with:
docker logs -tf [containername]
where [containername] can be obtained by runningdocker ps
You can edit files directly in the git checkout. Container will hot-reload code on edits.
Please submit an issue to the issue queue if you find any problems
If for whatever reason you cannot use Docker Compose (e.g. if you are using Boot2Docker CLI instead of Docker Machine), you can try manual approach:
docker build -t cardgame .
docker run -ti -d --name cardgame-redis redis
docker run -ti -d -p 5000:3000 -v $PWD:/opt/application --link cardgame-redis:cardgame-redis --name cardgame-api cardgame