Table of Contents
Bash scripts to:
- Gather values from Smappee hub (locally) and upload them to Domoticz
- Control Smappee plugs
Scripts use Smappee local API to control plugs and to get the Smappee data. A dummy sensor and Domoticz API is used to push the data.
I saw the initial great and original idea in Domoticz Forums so all the credit goes to user niceandeasy.
I just improved the bash script code and documented this repo to help other users to set it up and added a secondary script to control Smappee plugs.
Any other suggestion will be welcome and pull-requests are welcome too.
3 basic commands are required in the script:
- curl: for HTTP requests
- sed: for sifting out what we need from Smappee's output
- bc: for calculating cumulative usage
To ensure you have them all, just do the following:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl sed bc
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Create the directory where the script will be (or use the one you prefer)
mkdir -p /home/pi/_scripts/crons
- Copy to the desired location
cp smappee-domoticz-bash/ /home/pi/_scripts/crons
Add a new "Smappee" hardware in your Domoticz server as "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)"
Add four new "Virtual Sensors" to this new hardware (from Hardware list, button "Create Virtual Sensors"):
Name: Energy Consumption
Type: Electric (Instant+counter)
Name: Voltage
Type: Voltage
Name: Ampere
Type: Ampere (1 phase)
Name: Cos Phi
Type: Custom sensor
- Edit required variables in
script. You should configure all variables included in "User configurable values zone". WARNING: Check twice the idx for each variable in your Domoticz Device list to ensure all match, to avoid "pushing" data to a different sensor
You should configure the following variables:
- DOMOTICZ_URL: Specify your Domoticz URL, using http or https (depending on your Domoticz configuration)
- SMAPPEE_IP: The IP of your Smappee hub
- TMPDIR: Temporary directory for the script (see section "Suggestion: Use a RAM Disk")
- DOMOTICZ_WATTS_IDX: idx for your Electric (Instant+Counter) virtual sensor
- DOMOTICZ_VOLTS_IDX: idx for your Voltage virtual sensor
- DOMOTICZ_AMPS_IDX: idx for your Ampere (1 phase) virtual sensor
- DOMOTICZ_COSF_IDX: idx for your Custom sensor (cos phi) virtual sensor
- Test it before setting it as a cron job
cd /home/pi/_scripts/crons
chmod u+x
Add the following line to your user crontab (crontab -e
*/1 * * * * /home/pi/_scripts/crons/
Due to we are writing every minute, it's highly recommended to create a RAM disk.
To simplify the process, if you want to create 1 MByte RAM disk in your /var/tmp directory, just add the following line at the end of /etc/fstab
and do sudo mount -a
or reboot
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=1M 0 0
More info and RAM Disk tutorial here:
First, in your Domoticz server terminal
- Copy to the desired location
cp smappee-domoticz-bash/ /home/pi/_scripts/
Edit the script to set your Smappee IP.
Run the script with "list" parameter to list your available plugs using the local API.
chmod u+x
./ list
You'll see an output like this one:
Listing available plugs
{"success":"Logon successful!","header":"Logon to the monitor portal successful..."}
Available plugs:
[{"value":"My plug 1 ","key":"1"},{"value":"My plug 2 ","key":"3"}]
Then, in your Domoticz web:
Add a new "Manual Switch" in your Domoticz server and use Switch Type "On/Off" and Type "X10" (type isn't important here).
Edit your new switch and set these scripts as "on/off" actions:
On action: script:///home/pi/_scripts/ 1 3
Off action: script:///home/pi/_scripts/ 0 3
These commands should power on/off the plug with key (id) 3, that will be "My plug 2" from the previous example.