Build & Dependencies
Upgrade to Java 8
Upgrade ZooKeeper to 3.6.x
API Changes
Change maven groupId to org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob
Change package name to org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob
Change spring namespace name to
New job API, use SPI to customize job type
Use SPI to introduce configuration strategies
Split console and UI from job core modules
New Features
Add One-off job executor
Add Spring Boot Starter for ElasticJob-Lite
Add more databases support for event trace persist
User indicate IP address via system environment supported
Bug Fixes
Fix bug for executor thread ContextClassLoader is empty with ElasticJob-Cloud
Fix bug for enable job from web console have no effect
Shutdown job when application exit
Fix NPE when failover out-of-order in Curator asynchronized persist
Get correct job class name when using CGLIB proxy
Change Logs
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