WebComponents based on proxy-js.
WebComponent displaying a set of options to select from.
new SelectSheet({
title: 'Title' //the title - displayed in the sheets header
items: [], //array of objects - the items to provide selection from
// - the 'text' property will be displayed as the items representation
cancel: 'CANCEL' // - cancel button label
//close - custom event
e.detail =
action: '' // - close action
// - 'select' - closed by item selection
// - 'cancel' - closed by cancel click
// - 'unfocus' - closed by loosing focus
item: {} // - selected item
//usage example
import { SelectSheet } from '/lib/proxy-js-ui/select-sheet.js';
$shell.menu = {};
$shell.menu.sheet = async function (title, items) {
const $bg = createSafeBg(); //HTML Element covering all site, providing safe background
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const selectSheet = new SelectSheet({ title: title, cancel: 'CANCEL', items: items })
$p.event.one(selectSheet, 'close', e => {
if (document.body.querySelector('.busy-bg')) {
return promise;
//show sheet
$shell.menu.sheet('Sort By...',
[ //selectable items
{ text: 'File Name - Ascending', sort: 'name', direction: 'asc' }, ..., ..., ...
.then(select => {
if (select.action != 'select') { //close action
//do something with -> select.item