iOS-Reverse-Engineering-presentation introduce the knowledge and tool chain of reverse engineering of iOS, which covering the basic use of reverse engineering of iOS.
clone the repo and open the index.html to show the slides or click github io link.
- class-dump
- Theos
- iOSOpenDev
- Hopper
- MachOView
- dumpdecrypted
- Clutch
- cycript
- LLDB commands
- chisel
- iosre
when you start iOS Reverse Engineering, you should install many tools, You may encounter a variety of problems. Here is a list of possible workarounds.
- The solution to the failure of the iOSOpenDev installation
- The solution to the failure of make package
when you execute
make package
command to package, you may encounter a failure situation, wrong prompt is "dpkg-deb: warning: deprecated compression type 'lzma'; use xz instead'", you should change value of_THEOS_PLATFORM_DPKG_DEB_COMPRESSION
to xz
Alex Ao,
iOS-Reverse-Engineering-presentation is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.