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Email in Development

pjfranzini edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 3 revisions

Change pw of a test account (local app)

Click “Forgot password?”; fill in email identifying the accounting needing pw reset; click send.

Go to your rails terminal window and scroll up in the log looking for a “mail” “sent”, including lines like this:

To reset your password please click the link below.

Pick up the part after, and enter it following "localhost:3000/" so something like:


From this page you can enter a new password.

Invite test students (local app)

Send them an invitation and note classroom id, eg if you just invited a student, URL should be something like http://localhost:3000/classrooms/56/invitations/new and 56 would be your id. Open a second console window, go into rails c. Do Classroom.find(56).invitations and find your token, e.g. b9chKCF41mYhcEeOMQc59w

Then log your student in to claim their account by going to the URL http://localhost:3000/students/new/b9chKCF41mYhcEeOMQc59w to get your student’s sign up page.

The email that you sign up as does NOT have to match the email that the claim was “sent” to. This can be used as a trick on the live server, to set up test students by having the claim email sent to a real email address you own, yet signing up your test student with a dummy email name. One of the features implemented recently shows both the email (invited as) and the email (signed up as) in the teacher’s manage student page.