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Prefect Integration with Anyscale

This repository contains the integration of Prefect with Anyscale.

Development Setup

For development, we strongly recommend using Anyscale Workspaces together with Prefect Ray. No further integration is needed and you can just run a Python script like

import time

from prefect import flow, task
from prefect_ray import RayTaskRunner

def shout(number):

def count_to(highest_number):
    for number in range(highest_number):

if __name__ == "__main__":

inside your workspace and connect to Prefect via prefect login. Please do not use the Ray or Anyscale Client, i.e. do not use the RayTaskRunner(address="ray://...") or RayTaskRunner(address="anyscale://...") since these can cause various issues (version mismatches between client and cluster, loosing connection, slower data transfer and API calls between client and server etc).

Running Anyscale Jobs as part of a larger Prefect flow

You can run Anyscale Jobs as part of a Prefect flow like this:

import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import yaml

from prefect import flow, task, get_run_logger

def execute_anyscale_job(args):
    job_config = {
        "name": "my-anyscale-job",
        "description": "An Anyscale Job submitted from Prefect.",
        "cluster_env": "default_cluster_env_2.3.1_py39",
        "runtime_env": {
            "working_dir": ".",
            "upload_path": "<path to your S3 bucket where the code should be stored>",
        "entrypoint": "python " + " ".join([f"--{key} {val}" for key, val in args.items()]),

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as f:
        yaml.dump(job_config, f)
        # Submit an Anyscale Job from Prefect and record the logs
        output = subprocess.check_output(
            ["anyscale", "job", "submit",, "--follow"]
        logger = get_run_logger()"Anyscale Job output: " + output.decode())

def flow_with_anyscale_job():
    execute_anyscale_job.submit({"arg": "value"})

if __name__ == "__main__":

Using Anyscale as the compute infrastructure for Prefect workloads

This repository is providing an integration between Anyscale and Prefect for production scenarios, where you want to submit your experiments from the Prefect UI and have them run in Anyscale. It uses Prefect Ray internally and defines a Prefect agent that can run as an Anyscale Service in your cloud account. This agent will pick work from the Prefect work queue, convert it into an Anyscale Job that will run the work on a Ray cluster in the same way as the development setup (to keep production and development close).

Getting Started

Setting up the Anyscale Prefect Service

This part only needs to be done once per Anyscale account to set up the Anyscale Prefect agent (and subsequently to update it if desired).

To get started, you should first start the Anyscale Prefect Service in your Anyscale Cloud. It will be connected to your Prefect UI, receive new work, convert it into Anyscale Jobs and run those inside of Anyscale. You can set up the service from your laptop, you just need the Anyscale CLI installed. Generate a long lived Prefect API token from the Prefect UI and check the "Never Expire" checkmark (you can always rotate the token and restart the service with the new token if that becomes necessary):

set up prefect api token

From your laptop, then log into Prefect by running the following from your shell (substitute the API token you just generated):


We now need to create an Anyscale Service file for deploying the Anyscale Prefect Agent. First display the settings with

prefect config view --hide-sources

and create a prefect-agent-service.yaml file where you fill in the information displayed above in place of the ...:

name: prefect-agent
  import_path: start_anyscale_service:entrypoint
      PREFECT_API_KEY: "..."
    pip: ["prefect-anyscale"]

NOTE: This will store your Prefect API token in the service definition, which can be accessed from the Anyscale UI. If you want to avoid this, you can store the token in the AWS Secrets Manager (or another secret manager of your choice) and retrieve it from there in

The working_dir contains the version of the Anyscale Prefect agent, which you can upgrade going forward as new versions are released. You can then start the service with

anyscale service deploy prefect-agent-service.yaml

Now create a Prefect infrastructure that will be used to run the deployments inside of Anyscale. You can do this by running pip install prefect-anyscale and then in a Python interpreter

import prefect_anyscale
infra = prefect_anyscale.AnyscaleJob(cluster_env="prefect-test-environment")"test-infra")

Creating a deployment and scheduling the run

Now we can go ahead and create a Prefect deployment:

import prefect
from prefect.filesystems import S3
from prefect_anyscale import AnyscaleJob

from prefect_test import count_to

deployment = prefect.deployments.Deployment.build_from_flow(

You can now schedule new runs with this deployment from the Prefect UI

submit prefect run

and it will be executed as an Anyscale Job on an autoscaling Ray Cluster which has the same setup as the development setup described above.

Overriding properties of the infra block

You can override properties of the Anyscale infra block in a deployment like this

import prefect
from prefect.filesystems import S3
from prefect_anyscale import AnyscaleJob

from prefect_test import count_to

deployment = prefect.deployments.Deployment.build_from_flow(
    infra_overrides={"compute_config": "test-compute-config"}

Using the AWS Secrets Manager for storing the PREFECT_API_KEY

We recommend using the AWS Secrets Manager for storing your PREFECT_API_KEY token. Store your PREFECT_API_KEY secret as a Plaintext secret (not Key/value) like the following

create prefect secret

and add the following policy to your <cloud-id>-cluster_node_role role:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue",
      "Resource": "<fill this out with the Secret ARN>"

You can then run the agent by specifying a ANYSCALE_PREFECT_AWS_SECRET_ID and ANYSCALE_PREFECT_AWS_REGION in your configuration yaml instead of the PREFECT_API_KEY, see the ci/prefect-agent-service-awssecrets-ci.yaml file in this repository for an example.

Using your own Prefect Agent

If you already have a setup with an existing Prefect agent working, you can use that agent to run the Prefect Anyscale integration.

First make sure you

  • Have the prefect_anyscale package installed in the Prefect Agent's environment and
  • Are logged into Prefect or have set the PREFECT_API_URL and PREFECT_API_KEY environment variables and
  • Are logged into Anyscale or have set the ANYSCALE_HOST and ANYSCALE_CLI_TOKEN environment variables

Then start the agent with

PREFECT_EXTRA_ENTRYPOINTS=prefect_anyscale prefect agent start -q <your prefect queue>

The agent will listen to new work on the specified queue and will execute flows that run with the AnyscaleJob infra as Anyscale Jobs.