is a custom fork of markhu-file-tree
This package is a customizable draggable file tree component for Vue 3 that draws inspiration from the VSCode resource explorer.
- All nodes in the tree have a type of either 'folder' or 'file'.
- Folders can be expanded regardless of whether they are empty or not.
- Items can be dragged and dropped into folders, but not into files.
- 'Folder' or 'file' names can be renamed to new names.
- Multiple files can be selected using the Ctrl/Shift keys.
- The selected item can be navigated using the up and down arrow keys.
npm i @any-design/file-tree
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import '@any-design/file-tree/dist/style.css';
const treeData = ref([
title: 'Documents',
path: '/users/Jim/Documents',
type: 'folder',
children: [
title: 'File1.txt',
path: '/users/Jim/Documents/File1.txt',
type: 'file',
title: 'File2.txt',
path: '/users/Jim/Documents/File2.txt',
type: 'file',
title: 'Pictures',
path: '/users/Jim/Pictures',
type: 'folder',
children: [
title: 'Image1.jpg',
path: '/users/Jim/Pictures/Image1.jpg',
type: 'file',
title: 'Image2.jpg',
path: '/users/Jim/Pictures/Image2.jpg',
type: 'file',
<file-tree v-model="treeData"></file-tree>
The modelValue
property is an object of TreeNode
export interface TreeNode {
title: string;
path: string;
type: string;
expanded?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
focused?: boolean;
children?: TreeNode[];
addingFile?: boolean;
addingFolder?: boolean;
editing?: boolean;
prop | type | default | description |
modelValue | TreeNode | A tree to show. The root node will not show in ui |
Event Name | Callback Parameters | Purpose |
@nodeSelect | items: TreeNode[] | Triggered when nodes are selected. |
@nodeCreate | node: TreeNode, title: string | Triggered when a new node is created. |
@nodeRename | node: TreeNode, newTitle: string, oldTitle: string | Triggered when a node is renamed. |
@nodeExpand | node: TreeNode | Triggered when a node is expanded. |
@nodeCollapse | node: TreeNode | Triggered when a node is collapsed. |
@nodeDrop | newPath: string, oldPath: string | Triggered when a node is dragged and dropped to a new location. |
@nodeMove | newPath: string, oldPath: string | Triggered when a node is moved to a new location. |
@nodeContextmenu | e: MouseEvent, d: TreeNode | Triggered when a node's context menu is opened. |
@update:modelValue | node: TreeNode | Tree data has been updated |
method | description |
Slot Name | Parameters | Purpose |
title | {nodeData} | Used to customize the title content of a node. |
toggler | {nodeData} | Used to customize the expand/collapse icon of a node. |
icon | {nodeData} | Used to customize the icon of a node. |
Note: In this example, we use Font Awesome as icon lib.
<template v-slot:title="{nodeData}">{{ nodeData.title }}</template>
<template v-slot:toggler="{nodeData}">
<span style="margin-right: 5px">
<i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-down" v-if="nodeData.expanded"></i>
<i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-right" v-else></i>
<template v-slot:icon="{nodeData}">
<span style="margin-right: 5px">
<i class="fa-regular fa-folder" v-if="nodeData.type==='folder'"></i>
<i class="fa-regular fa-file-audio" v-else-if="nodeData.title.endsWith('.mp3')"></i>
<i class="fa-regular fa-file-image" v-else-if="nodeData.title.endsWith('.jpg')"></i>
<i class="fa-solid fa-file-word" v-else-if="nodeData.title.endsWith('.doc')"></i>
<i class="fa-solid fa-file-pdf" v-else-if="nodeData.title.endsWith('.pdf')"></i>
<i class="fa-solid fa-file-csv" v-else-if="nodeData.title.endsWith('.csv')"></i>
<i class="fa-regular fa-file-lines" v-else-if="nodeData.title.endsWith('.txt')"></i>
<i class="fa-regular fa-file" v-else></i>