Work-in-progress OCaml implementation of the Postgres frontend/backend protocol. This library implements the wire protocol in OCaml, instead of using C ffi with libpq
Only postgresql extended query workflow is supported. The library contains the following components:
This is the core library that defines all backend/frontend types. This library performs no I/O and is intended as a building block for I/O wrappers using lwt, async, etc. The library also includes a bare bones implementation of RFC 5802 that covers just enough of the spec to address the needs for using scram-sha-256
auth mechanism with postgresql.
Eio driver for postgresql.
open Core
open Eio.Std
open Or_error.Let_syntax
let make_parameters ids =
Sequence.of_list ids
|> ~f:(fun id ->
let b = Bytes.create 4 in
Caml.Bytes.set_int32_be b 0 id;
~parameter:(Bytes.to_string b)
|> Sequence.to_array
let run ~sw ~net ~addr ~user ~password ~database =
let%bind conn = Postgres_eio.connect ~sw ~net ~user ~password ~database addr in
traceln "Logged in to postgres";
let%bind () =
Postgres_eio.prepare conn "SELECT id, email from users where id IN ($1, $2, $3)"
let%bind () = Postgres_eio.execute ~on_data_row:ignore conn in
let parameters = make_parameters [ 1l; 2l; 3l ] in
Postgres_eio.execute conn ~parameters ~on_data_row:(fun data_row ->
match data_row with
| [| Some id; Some name |] -> traceln "Id: %s and email: %s" id name
| _ -> assert false)
let main ~env ~user ~password ~database =
let addr = `Tcp (Eio.Net.Ipaddr.V4.loopback, 5432) in
(module Mirage_crypto_rng.Fortuna)
(fun () -> (fun sw ->
(run ~user ~password ~addr ~database ~sw ~net:( env))))
- add wrapper to handle parameters in an easier manner
- Support transactions
- Support postgres notify/listen channels
- documentation
- support TLS encrypted connections
- TEST!!