EBS integration for ActiveMerchant.
NOTE: This fork works for Secure Hash Validation enabled as well.
You need to install the ActiveMerchant gem or rails plugin. More info about ActiveMerchant installation can be found at www.activemerchant.org.
Install the gem [recommended]:
> gem install active_merchant_ebs
To use the ActiveMerchantEbs gem in a Rails 3 application, add the following line in your Gemfile:
gem 'active_merchant_ebs'
Create a merchant account with EBS.
Then create an initializer, like initializers/payment.rb. Add the following lines:
ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::Ebs.setup do |ebs| ebs.account_id = #your EBS account ID ebs.mode = 'TEST' #EBS Mode 'TEST' or 'LIVE' ebs.secret_key = 'your secret key' #Provided by EBS end EBS_ACCOUNT = 'youraccountname'
If ActiveMerchant’s actionview helpers don’t load automatically, add the line in your initializer:
ActionView::Base.send :include, ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::ActionViewHelper
<% payment_service_for @order.id, EBS_ACCOUNT, :amount => @order.price_in_cents, :service => :ebs do |service| %> <% service.customer :name => @order.fullname, :email => "test@order.email" %> <% service.billing_address :city => "Bang", :address1 => "@order.billing_address.address_line_1", :state => "@order.billing_address.state", :pin => "123456", :country => "IN", :phone => "9876543210" %> <% service.redirect :return_url => [orders_callback_url(@order),'DR={DR}'].join('?'), :order_id => @order.id, :order_desc => "@order.id" %> <%= submit_tag 'Proceed to payment' %> <% end %>
In your controller
def callback @order = Order.find(params[:id]) logger.debug params[:DR] @notification = ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::Ebs::Notification.new(params[:DR].to_s) logger.debug "Success -- #{@notification.successful?}" if @notification.successful? render :action => 'success' else render :action => 'failure' end end
This gem is heavily inspired by a similar integration done by Suman Debnath for CCavenue @ github.com/meshbrain/active_merchant_ccavenue
Very special thanks to him.
See LICENSE for details.