Releases: anupdugar/zf1
Releases · anupdugar/zf1
Merge tag 'release-1.12.10'
Zend Framework 1.12.10 - [1: isLast not working as expected in Zend_Service_Amazon_SimpleDb_Page]( - [8: Zend_Loader_ClassMapAutoloader is not auto included when using Zend_Loader_AutoloaderFactory::factory]( - [15: Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::delete does not delete from dependent table]( - [32: Zend_Soap_Client has no 'exceptions' flag.]( - [62: Zend_Validate_EmailAddress->_validateMXRecords() fails on Umlaut-Domains]( - [187: Zend_Rest_Server does not properly handle optional parameters when anonymous (arg1, etc) parameters are passed in]( - [322: Zend_Validate_Hostname: disallowed Unicode code point]( - [324: SlideShare API change some tag names.]( - [345: CallbackHandler throws warning if WeakRef-extension not installed]( - [377: Zend_Console_Getopt: Missing required parameter consumes next option as its parameter value]( - [400: PHPUnit contraints: use real class names to help classmap generators]( - [426: Use relative filenames for _validIdns for direct include in Zend_Validate_Hostname]( - [434: Corrected type of property _currentRoute]( - [440: Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Abstract::_formatName() inconsistent with Action name handling]( - [441: Loosen regex to allow nested function calls in SQL]( - [444: Update Zend_Validate_Hostname TLDs list to 2014102301 version]( - [446: fix typo unkown -> unknown]( - [448: fix travis ci build for php 5.2]( - [449: Zend_Date doesn't create correct date when seconds are missing from 8601 format]( - [452: "fluent", not "fluid"]( - [453: Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached looks at "bytes", but Couchbase 1.x returns "mem_used"]( - [456: Documentation of Zend_Feed_Pubsubhubbub_Model_ModelAbstract]( - [458: Fixed bug in quoteInto with $count parameter and question sign in $value]( - [461: CDATA section for category elements in RSS feed]( - [465: Zend_Currency creates invalid cache ids for values with fractions]( - [467: debug_backtrace() called twice when only once needed ]( - [468: Zend_Validate_Hostname improvements]( - [469: [Zend_Validate\ Testcase for #322]( - [471: End of life for PHPUnit installation using pear]( - [475: Zend Json Server Exception is missing the method name]( - [478: Create .gitattributes to mirror archive { } in composer.json]( - [480: Virtual machine doesn't install initial packages]( - [483: Update copyright to 2015]( - [484: Adds content headers on POST request in Zend_Controller_Request_HTTP]( - [487: Allow overriding cache id and tag validation in Zend_Cache]( - [488: Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo_Container setCdnVersion error...]( - [490: Added more specific return documentation for Zend_Navigation Pages]( # gpg verification failed. Conflicts: library/Zend/Application/Resource/Frontcontroller.php library/Zend/Application/Resource/Translate.php library/Zend/Barcode/Object/ObjectAbstract.php library/Zend/Controller/Router/Rewrite.php library/Zend/Db/Select.php library/Zend/EventManager/Filter/FilterIterator.php library/Zend/EventManager/GlobalEventManager.php library/Zend/Gdata/HttpAdapterStreamingProxy.php library/Zend/Mime/Part.php library/Zend/Mobile/Push/Message/Abstract.php library/Zend/Rest/Server.php library/Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files.php library/Zend/Service/SlideShare.php library/Zend/Test/PHPUnit/ControllerTestCase.php library/Zend/Validate/Hostname.php library/Zend/Version.php