First, it is all about understanding what an NFT is. A NFT stands for “NON, FUNGIBLE, TOKEN” and is made on Ethereum block chain from a ERC 721 smart contract. There are other block chains that allow NFC token creations and smart contracts. Like Polygon. After this breif understanding, there is still more. For Instance, Ethereum contracts and programing is done with a language called Solidity. Solidity is a Object oriented programing language and is designed around ECMAScript syntax to make it familiar for existing web developers. NFTs can be used to represent real-world items like artwork and real-estate. But can also be used for more functional things like making tickets for a concert or an event. Or to be used as a object in a online game, or represent virtual land deeds that can be bought and sold to other people. Thus, the creation of this application. The purpose for our project is so people can experince the wolrd of NFT's and make/but their own.
Hardhat (npm package ) openzeppelin/contracts ( npm package ) Metamask ( the wallet ) Solidity Pinata ( npm package ) @alch/ Alchemy-web3 ( npm package ) Ethers.JS ( npm package )
The way of using this is you first run node server.js, which then the user must go to a web broswer and go to the localhost3001. From here it takes you to the main page where you either create an account or sign in. once you are signed in, you can create your own NFT!
- John des Garennes - jdesgarennes
- Israel Rios - israelmrios
- Alejandro Nunez - anun05
For any question feel free to reach out to us on our GitHubs! John des Garennes - jdesgarennes , Israel Rios - israelmrios, Alejandro Nunez - anun05