Tata 1mg is a healthcare platform based in Gurgaon, India. It provides services, including e-pharmacy, diagnostics, e-consultation and health content. Netlify Link: https://ornate-selkie-9825f4.netlify.app/
- All Pages are optimised for most of the screen sizes.
- User can sign up and login into our website.
- Users can add and remove products to cart.
- Offer page, Checkout page, delivery address page and payment page.
Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
- The Landing Page is designed & functioned by Rajan.
- Sign up page & login page is designed & functioned by Nirbhay.
- Store & products section is designed & functioned by Anubhav.
- Cart, Payment & Checkout pages are designed & functioned by Geeta Prakash Rana.
- Covid19 & Ayurveda page is designed by Shivam.
- Offer Page & Footer is designed by Imran.
- Github & project meetings are managed by Anubhav & Rajan.
- JavaScript parts are revised by Anubhav & Geeta.
- CSS revision & Readme.md is done by Rajan.