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Migration to Webpack

Antony Budianto edited this page Nov 24, 2016 · 10 revisions

Now I've migrated this starter into Webpack, you can find it here. It's on Beta stage and working good, will be finalized soon!


The reason why I decided to move:

  • SystemJS configuration is too complicated
    • example: new package needs to be configured and added to Karma serve list, no config at all using Webpack 😄
  • SystemJS is not stable
  • Webpack can integrate AoT, lazy loading, and tree shaking at once seamlessly
  • Angular CLI used and published @ngtools/webpack where we can use with Webpack

SystemJS is not entirely bad since its reload time is faster than Webpack (even with HMR), but Webpack may bring more features and stability.

Moving forward

I'm still accepting pull requests, but may not looking into issues anymore.

You can start migrating your app by copying the src folder into the new repo clone, then adjust your dependencies. If you prefer to stay, feel free to fork and maintain it.

Thank you.

  • Antony

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