"JupyterChatbook" is a Python package of a Jupyter extension that facilitates the interaction with Large Language Models (LLMs).
The Chatbook extension provides the cell magics:
(and the synonym%%openai
The first three are for "shallow" access of the corresponding LLM services. The 4th one is the most important -- allows contextual, multi-cell interactions with LLMs. The last one is for managing the chat objects created in a notebook session.
Remark: The chatbook LLM cells use the packages "openai", [OAIp2], and "google-generativeai", [GAIp1].
Remark: The results of the LLM cells are automatically copied to the clipboard using the package "pyperclip", [ASp1].
Remark: The API keys for the LLM cells can be specified in the magic lines. If not specified then the API keys are taken f
rom the Operating System (OS) environmental variables OPENAI_API_KEY
(See below the setup section for LLM services access.)
Here is a couple of movies [AAv2, AAv3] that provide quick introductions to the features:
- "Jupyter Chatbook LLM cells demo (Python)", (4.8 min)
- "Jupyter Chatbook multi cell LLM chats teaser (Python)", (4.5 min)
pip install -e git+https://github.com/antononcube/Python-JupyterChatbook.git#egg=Python-JupyterChatbook
pip install JupyterChatbook
The API keys for the LLM cells can be specified in the magic lines. If not specified then the API keys are taken f
rom the Operating System (OS) environmental variablesOPENAI_API_KEY
(For example, set in the "~/.zshrc" file in macOS.)
One way to set those environmental variables in a notebook session is to use the %env
line magic. For example:
Another way is to use Python code. For example:
import os
os.environ['PALM_API_KEY'] = '<YOUR PALM API KEY>'
os.environ['OPEN_API_KEY'] = '<YOUR OPEN API KEY>'
Notebook | Description |
Chatbooks-cells-demo.ipynb | How to do multi-cell (notebook-wide) chats? |
Chatbook-LLM-cells.ipynb | How to "directly message" LLMs services? |
DALL-E-cells-demo.ipynb | How to generate images with DALL-E? |
Echoed-chats.ipynb | How to see the LLM interaction execution steps? |
Chatbooks have the ability to maintain LLM conversations over multiple notebook cells. A chatbook can have more than one LLM conversations. "Under the hood" each chatbook maintains a database of chat objects. Chat cells are used to give messages to those chat objects.
For example, here is a chat cell with which a new "Email writer" chat object is made, and that new chat object has the identifier "em12":
%%chat --chat_id em12, --prompt "Given a topic, write emails in a concise, professional manner"
Write a vacation email.
Here is a chat cell in which another message is given to the chat object with identifier "em12":
%%chat --chat_id em12
Rewrite with manager's name being Jane Doe, and start- and end dates being 8/20 and 9/5.
In this chat cell a new chat object is created:
%%chat -i snowman, --prompt "Pretend you are a friendly snowman. Stay in character for every response you give me. Keep your responses short."
And here is a chat cell that sends another message to the "snowman" chat object:
%%chat -i snowman
Who build you? Where?
Remark: Specifying a chat object identifier is not required. I.e. only the magic spec %%chat
can be used.
The "default" chat object ID identifier is "NONE".
For more examples see the notebook "Chatbook-cells-demo.ipynb".
Here is a flowchart that summarizes the way chatbooks create and utilize LLM chat objects:
flowchart LR
CODB[(Chat objects)]
CCell[/Chat cell/]
CRCell[/Chat result cell/]
CIDQ{Chat ID<br/>specified?}
CIDEQ{Chat ID<br/>exists in DB?}
RECO[Retrieve existing<br/>chat object]
PromParse[Prompt<br/>DSL spec parsing]
CNCO[Create new<br/>chat object]
CIDNone["Assume chat ID<br/>is 'NONE'"]
subgraph Chatbook frontend
subgraph Chatbook backend
subgraph Prompt processing
subgraph LLM interaction
CCell --> CIDQ
CIDQ --> |yes| CIDEQ
CIDEQ --> |yes| RECO
RECO --> PromParse
COEval --> CRCell
CIDEQ --> |no| CNCO
LLMFunc -.- CNCO -.- CODB
CNCO --> PromParse --> KPFQ
KPFQ --> |yes| PromExp
KPFQ --> |no| COEval
PromParse -.- LLMProm
PromExp -.- LLMProm
PromExp --> COEval
LLMProm -.- PDB
CIDQ --> |no| CIDNone
COEval -.- LLMFunc
LLMFunc <-.-> OpenAI
LLMFunc <-.-> PaLM
Each chatbook session has a dictionary of chat objects. Chatbooks can have chat meta cells that allow the access of the chat object "database" as whole, or its individual objects.
Here is an example of a chat meta cell (that applies the method print
to the chat object with ID "snowman"):
%%chat_meta -i snowman
Here is an example of chat meta cell that creates a new chat chat object with the LLM prompt specified in the cell ("Guess the word"):
%%chat_meta -i WordGuesser --prompt
We're playing a game. I'm thinking of a word, and I need to get you to guess that word.
But I can't say the word itself.
I'll give you clues, and you'll respond with a guess.
Your guess should be a single word only.
Here is another chat object creation cell using a prompt from the package "LLMPrompts", [AAp2]:
%%chat_meta -i yoda1 --prompt
Here is a table with examples of magic specs for chat meta cells and their interpretation:
cell magic line | cell content | interpretation |
chat_meta -i ew12 | Give the "print out" of the chat object with ID "ew12" | |
chat_meta --chat_id ew12 | messages | Give the messages of the chat object with ID "ew12" |
chat_meta -i sn22 --prompt | You pretend to be a melting snowman. | Create a chat object with ID "sn22" with the prompt in the cell |
chat_meta --all | keys | Show the keys of the session chat objects DB |
chat_meta --all | Print the repr forms of the session chat objects |
Here is a flowchart that summarizes the chat meta cell processing:
flowchart LR
CODB[(Chat objects)]
CCell[/Chat meta cell/]
CRCell[/Chat meta cell result/]
CIDQ{Chat ID<br/>specified?}
KCOMQ{Known<br/>chat object<br/>method?}
AKWQ{Option '--all'<br/>specified?}
KCODBMQ{Known<br/>chat objects<br/>DB method?}
CIDEQ{Chat ID<br/>exists in DB?}
RECO[Retrieve existing<br/>chat object]
COEval[Chat object<br/>method<br/>invocation]
CODBEval[Chat objects DB<br/>method<br/>invocation]
CNCO[Create new<br/>chat object]
CIDNone["Assume chat ID<br/>is 'NONE'"]
NoCOM[/Cannot find<br/>chat object<br/>message/]
CntCmd[/Cannot interpret<br/>command<br/>message/]
subgraph Chatbook
CCell --> CIDQ
CIDQ --> |yes| CIDEQ
CIDEQ --> |yes| RECO
KCOMQ --> |yes| COEval --> CRCell
KCOMQ --> |no| CntCmd
CIDEQ --> |no| NoCOM
LLMFunc -.- CNCO -.- CODB
CNCO --> COEval
CIDQ --> |no| AKWQ
AKWQ --> |yes| KCODBMQ
KCODBMQ --> |yes| CODBEval
KCODBMQ --> |no| CntCmd
CODBEval --> CRCell
AKWQ --> |no| CIDNone
COEval -.- LLMFunc
See the notebook "DALL-E-cells-demo.ipynb"
Here is a screenshot:
The design of this package -- and corresponding envisioned workflows with it -- follow those of the Raku package "Jupyter::Chatbook", [AAp3].
- TODO Implementation
- DONE PalM chat cell
- TODO Using "pyperclip"
- DONE Basic
- TODO Switching on/off copying to the clipboard
- DONE Per cell
- Controlled with the argument
- Controlled with the argument
- TODO Global
- Can be done via the chat meta cell, but maybe a more elegant, bureaucratic solution exists.
- DONE Per cell
- DONE Basic
- DONE Formatted output: asis, html, markdown
- General lexer code?
- Includes LaTeX.
- General lexer code?
- DONE DALL-E image variations cell
- Combined image variations and edits with
- Combined image variations and edits with
- TODO Mermaid-JS cell
- TODO ProdGDT cell
- MAYBE DeepL cell
- See "deepl-python"
- TODO Lower level access to chat objects.
- Like:
- Getting the 3rd message
- Removing messages after 2 second one
- etc.
- Like:
- TODO Using LLM commands to manipulate chat objects
- Like:
- "Remove the messages after the second for chat profSynapse3."
- "Show the third messages of each chat object."
- Like:
- TODO Documentation
- DONE Multi-cell LLM chats movie (teaser)
- See [AAv2].
- TODO LLM service cells movie (short)
- TODO Multi-cell LLM chats movie (comprehensive)
- TODO Code generation
- DONE Multi-cell LLM chats movie (teaser)
[AAp1] Anton Antonov, LLMFunctionObjects Python package, (2023), Python-packages at GitHub/antononcube.
[AAp2] Anton Antonov, LLMPrompts Python package, (2023), Python-packages at GitHub/antononcube.
[AAp3] Anton Antonov, Jupyter::Chatbook Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.
[ASp1] Al Sweigart, pyperclip (Python package), (2013-2021), PyPI.org/AlSweigart.
[GAIp1] Google AI, google-generativeai (Google Generative AI Python Client), (2023), PyPI.org/google-ai.
[OAIp1] OpenAI, openai (OpenAI Python Library), (2020-2023), PyPI.org.
[AAv1] Anton Antonov, "Jupyter Chatbook multi cell LLM chats teaser (Raku)", (2023), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction.
[AAv2] Anton Antonov, "Jupyter Chatbook LLM cells demo (Python)", (2023), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction.
[AAv3] Anton Antonov, "Jupyter Chatbook multi cell LLM chats teaser (Python)", (2023), YouTube/@AAA4Prediction.