RunasCs version 1.4
- Added flag --bypass-uac that allows to spawn a process as an Administrator (if password is known) with full privileges even from a Medium IL process.
- Changed default logon type from Network (3) to NetworkCleartext (8). This provides both advantages of avoiding UAC filtering local tokens and still allowing authentication over the network with the identity.
- Refactored code for the class AccessToken in charge of managing all the business logic about access tokens.
- Refactored ugly code for enabling all privileges in the access token retrieved by LogonUser().
- Removed check for the unnecessary privilege "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege" when using CreateProcessAsUser().
- Fixed a bug when setting ACL for Station\Desktop and using logon type 9.
- Fixed a double close handle bug.
- Fixed console output flushing when printing messages.
- Fixed a bug handling an exception raised in particular conditions in CreateEnvironmentBlock().
Credits to @winlogon0 for the UAC bypass implementation in C#.