#Game Engines 2 Assignment
###Overview This was a project I worked on as part of a game engines module in fourth year of my computer science degree. The guidelines of the project were to implement autonomous steering behaviours adopted from source: https://unisalesianogames.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/programming-game-ai-by-example-mat-buckland2.pdf?hc_location=ufi
Instead of using C++, I wanted to create the behviours using JavaScript and the Three.js library.
A demo can be found here
To select a demo, drop down the Scenes menu and check one of the demo flags.
The spaceDemo (last one) is a combination of all the previous ones in the form of an autonomous space battle
Camera: Mouse movement
W: Forward
A: Turn Left
S: Back
D: Turn Right
Shift: Increase Speed