The assignment:
This assignment is a code refactoring excercise that took old and repetative code that needed streamling and organization. Also the links needed to be fixed so that they referenced the part of the page that they were wupposed to reference. All this was achieved by adding semantic tags in the HTML referencing the associated part of the page i.e. nav, sections, header, etc and then renaming the associated references in CSS so the page functioned as it did when it was given to us.
This assignment taught me:
This assignment taught me to take already written code and make it more organized and update it for our quickly growing web development field. Updating this code with sematics makes it more Search Engine Optimizational which puts it higher on the page o a web search which in turn brings more traffic to your website. Also as our instructor pointed out it also makes it easier for visual impairment software to read the website correctly since it is setup with more organization.
What I took from this assignment:
This assignment taught me to use semantic tags correctly and also apply them to the CSS style sheet correctly. With one small change in the HTML I broke the webpage multiple times but brought it back by applying the correct styling in the CSS. This assignment also taught me how to comment on HTML and CSS for anyone looking at the code in the future to make sense of the changes I made and how they can use the new organization to easily build onto the code if needed. I have also included below my initial notes I think this is helpful in referencing what I took away from the assignment since I made these notes the first day I looked at this webpage and noticed all the issues.
Initial Notes HTML & CSS CSS code is very repetative DRY it up and make it more SEO Semantic elements in HTML "
content" Title has no company name or original icon Make all links work "Search Engine Optimization" does nothing, "Social Media Marketing"CSS needs organization and streamlining.