All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.2 (2020-11-30)
- add polyfills for URL/URLSearchParams (637e37f)
- ensure app is initialized even when config fails to load (4d3ec12)
- POPUP: merge tile defaults when passing newly created tile object (#555) (63e2b87), closes #553
- incorrect message telling user to copy example config to "dist" (94a9801)
2.1.1 (2020-11-27)
- merge default tile values correctly (#551) (6a814f2)
- CAMERA_STREAM: pause stream when screensaver active or page changed (#544) (3ba99d1), closes #541
- CAMERA_STREAM: support non-HLS-capable devices (#537) (7bbeb3c)
- CAMERA_THUMBNAIL: remove deprecated CAMERA_THUMBNAIL tile (#548) (0b0a101)
- docs: clearer instructions in the fallback index.html (8eaa551)
2.1.0 (2020-11-22)
- allow item.classes to be a function (#527) (813f315)
- support config file selection using a "config" query (#530) (711e2b8)
- use moment.js for timeAgo (#521) (5227be4)
- popup: popup timeout now accessible to user on $scope (#535) (6e73deb)
- improve handling of merging defaults for popup tiles (#519) (250ac64)
- CLIMATE: fix climate state toggle not showing up in hvac mode (#533) (d2b3717), closes #526
- dev: automatically fix eslint errors in changed files on commit (5d2a83d)
- dev: don't lint unstaged changes on commit (bee9da4), closes #512
- HOMEKIT: make colors of ON tiles consistent (#511) (76fae10), closes #448
- fullsize popup cropped at the bottom (#508) (3cfaef8), closes #423
2.0.3 (2020-10-29)
2.0.2 (2020-10-21)
- sliders to allow zero values (#493) (232204e)
- LIGHT: show color picker based on feature check (#488) (9f55a3d)
- don't cache icon background (#471) (f9ea1ef), closes #425
- enable arm buttons based on supported alarm features (9d829c1), closes #365
- enable arm buttons based on supported alarm features (#473) (31d5a5a), closes #365
- long-press closes popups and light sliders immediately (#489) (492895b)
- update alarm tile example with support for new states (#472) (43f151b)
2.0.1 (2020-10-12)
- bundle with mdi fonts instead of loading from external server (#468) (51bfd3b), closes #453
- camera full screen opening when clicking door entry camera (#463) (18f232a)
2.0.0 (2020-10-08)
- This changes some behavior:
- background of iframe tile is changed to
transparentwhite, because otherwise, the background of the iframe would be awkwardly gray. iframeStyles
are applied to the iframe tile. Not to thepopup-container
. This is mainly due to the way, the popup is structured. There simply is a facility to pass styles to a tile. But there is not a facility to apply styles directly to the popup. For the user, this means that styles (e.g. borders) do not include the popup title anymore.