Aggregate log fields, count field occurrence
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usage: goller [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
Aggregate log fields and count occurrences
--help Show help (also see --help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
help [<command>...]
Show help.
group [<flags>] <parser> <positions>
Group occurrence of field
tokenize <parser>
Show how first log line is tokenized
Show how first log line is parsed using given parsing strategy and display tokens with their positions
usage: goller tokenize <parser>
Show how first log line is tokenized
--help Show help (also see --help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
<parser> Log line parser to use
Group and count field occurrences
usage: goller group [<flags>] <parser> <positions>
Group occurrence of field
--help Show help (also see --help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
-d, --delimiter=" | "
Separator between results
-i, --ignore Ignore lines wrongly parsed
-t, --transformer=TRANSFORMER
Transformers applied to every fields
-s, --sort=SORT Sort lines
<parser> Log line parser to use
<positions> Field positions
A log line is splitted according to given parsing strategy, you can then refer every field using its position number. 0 position is a special position, it counts number of time a field occurred
If we want to parse thoses lines :
hello world
hello world
hi everybody
hello world
we will do :
echo "hello world\nhello world\nhi everybody\nhello world" | goller group whi 0,1,2
it produces :
3 | hello | world
1 | hi | everybody
we can reorganize fields as we want :
echo "hello world\nhello world\nhi everybody\nhello world" | goller group whi 2,1,0
it produces :
world | hello | 3
everybody | hi | 1
we can keep only fields that matter :
echo "hello world\nhello world\nhi everybody\nhello world" | goller group whi 1
it produces :
Parsing strategy used to tokenize log line
Available functions :
Parse line following Common Log Format (NCSA Common log format)
For instance :
echo ' user-identifier frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326'| goller group clf 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
produces : | user-identifier | frank | 10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700 | GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0 | 200 | 2326
Parse line according to regexp
For instance :
echo "helloworld\!" | goller group 'reg("(h.{4})(w.{4})(.)")' 1,2,3
produces :
hello | world | !
Parse line following whitespaces
For instance :
echo "test1 test2 test3" | goller group whi 1,2,3
produces :
test1 | test2 | test3
Split lines using given string
For instance :
echo "test1_test2_test3" | goller group 'spl("_")' 1,2,3
produces :
test1 | test2 | test3
Ignore lines wrongly tokenized by parser
For instance :
echo "hello world\nHi there\nHi everybody\nHi" | goller group whi 1,2
produces :
Wrong parsing strategy (based on first line tokenization), got 1 tokens instead of 2
Line : Hi
If we set the flag :
echo "hello world\nHi there\nHi everybody\nHi" | goller group -i whi 1,2
it produces :
hello | world
Hi | there
Hi | everybody
Change separator between counted fields
For instance :
echo "hello world \!" | goller group whi -d@ 1,2,3
produces :
Change a field before being counted, transformers could be chained
For instance :
echo "1 2 3" | goller group whi -t '1:add("1").sub("1").add("10")' -t '2:add("2").sub("1").add("10")' -t '3:add("3").sub("1").add("10")' 1,2,3
produces :
11 | 13 | 15
Available functions:
Add given integer to field, field must be an integer
For instance :
echo "1 2 3" | goller group whi -t '1:add("1")' -t '2:add("2")' -t '3:add("3")' 1,2,3
produces :
2 | 4 | 6
Concat a string on left side of field
For instance :
echo "ello orld" | goller group whi -t '1:catl("h")' -t '2:catl("w")' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Concat a string on right side of field
For instance :
echo "h w" | goller group whi -t '1:catr("ello")' -t '2:catr("orld")' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Delete n number of characters on left side of field
For instance :
echo "123hello 12345world" | goller group whi -t '1:dell("3")' -t '2:dell("5")' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Delete n number of characters on right side of field
For instance :
echo "hello123 world12345" | goller group whi -t '1:delr("3")' -t '2:delr("5")' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Return number of characters in field
For instance :
echo "hello world \!" | goller group whi -t '1:len' -t '2:len' -t '3:len' 1,2,3
produces :
5 | 5 | 2
Lowercase field
For instance :
echo "HELLO WORLD" | goller group whi -t '1:low' -t '2:low' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Return true if field match regexp, false otherwise
For instance :
echo "hello world" | goller group whi -t '1:match("hi")' -t '2:match("w.{4}")' 1,2
produces :
false | true
Replace pattern with string in field
For instance :
echo "hello world" | goller group whi -t '1:repl("ello","i")' -t '2:repl("world","everybody")' 1,2
produces :
hi | everybody
Subtract given integer to field, field must be an integer
For instance :
echo "1 2 3" | goller group whi -t '1:sub("1")' -t '2:sub("2")' -t '3:sub("3")' 1,2,3
produces :
0 | 0 | 0
Trim all characters given as argument on right and left side of field
For instance :
echo "@_@_@hello world\!*\!*" | goller group whi -t '1:trim("@_")' -t '2:trim("!*")' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Trim all characters given as argument on left side of field
For instance :
echo "ooohello dddddworld" | goller group whi -t '1:triml("o")' -t '2:triml("d")' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Trim all characters given as argument on right side of field
For instance :
echo "hellohhhh worldwwww" | goller group whi -t '1:trimr("h")' -t '2:trimr("w")' 1,2
produces :
hello | world
Uppercase field
For instance :
echo "hello world" | goller group whi -t '1:upp' -t '2:upp' 1,2
produces :
Sort a field according to given function, sorters could be used with several fields
For instance :
echo "3 8 2\n4 9 3\n3 8 0\n3 1 10\n3 9 1\n1 9 1\n2 9 1"| go run main.go group -s "1:int,2:int,3:int" whi 1,2,3
1 | 9 | 1
2 | 9 | 1
3 | 1 | 10
3 | 8 | 0
3 | 8 | 2
3 | 9 | 1
4 | 9 | 3
Available functions:
Sort integer fields
For instance :
echo "5\n7\n9\n10\n6\n1\n5" | goller group whi -s "1:int" 1
produces :
Sort using size string
For instance :
echo "aaaaa\naaaa\naa\na\naaa" | goller group whi -s "1:strl" 1
produces :
Sort using lexicographic order
For instance :
echo "e\nd\nb\nf\na\ng\nc" | goller group whi -s "1:str" 1
produces :