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This plugin allows you to setup checkstyle by providing a powerful DSL directly in your build script. This means no more checkstyle.xml, checkstyle.xsl, suppressions.xml, import-control.xml and header.txt. All of these files are auto generated based on your configuration options that you specified in the build script.


Add a buildScript dependency to enable this plugin:

buildscript {
  repositories {

  dependencies {
    classpath 'net.anshulverma.gradle:gradle-estilo-plugin:0.4.8'

Then apply the plugin:

apply plugin: 'net.anshulverma.gradle.estilo'


Here is a sample configuration with inline explanations. Some configuration options are not present in this sample. These and others are explained in the next section.

estilo {
  source 'google' // starting point for checkstyle checks (other option: 'sun')

  ignoreWarnings true // ignore checkstyle warning and let the build continue
  toolVersion '6.12.1' // set version of checkstyle to use

  // this block provides a DSL that allows you to
  // override, remove or extend checks of the source file
  checks {
    // this check will override the original check from 'google'.
    // in other words it says remove original check and create a new one
    // with the following properties
    CustomImportOrder(override: true) {
      specialImportsRegExp 'net.anshulverma'
      sortImportsInGroupAlphabetically true
      customImportOrderRules 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' +
                                 '###THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' +
                                 '###STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' +
      separateLineBetweenGroups false

    // extends the original 'EmptyLineSeparator' check (default behavior)
    // by adding/modifying properties from the original check
    EmptyLineSeparator {
      allowNoEmptyLineBetweenFields true
      allowMultipleEmptyLines false
                 'INTERFACE_DEF, CTOR_DEF, METHOD_DEF, ' +

    // remove this check completely
    SingleLineJavadoc(remove: true)

  // add checkstyle suppressions.
  // this automatically adds a 'SuppressionFilter' to checkstyle.xml
  suppressions {
    suffix('') {
      checks 'LineLength'
    prefix('Client') {
      checks 'JavadocMethod'
    prefix.not('Server') {
      checks 'FileTabCharacter'

  // setup import control.
  // this automatically adds a 'ImportControl' check to checkstyle.xml
  importControl('net.anshulverma.skydns') {
    // list packages to allow or disallow
    allow pkg: 'java'
    allow pkg: 'net'
    disallow pkg: 'lombok'

    // similarly you can allow or disallow a class
    allow class: 'sun.misc.Unsafe'

    // setup import control in a similar way for a subpackage
    subpackage('common.threads') {
      allow class: 'java.util.concurrent.Executors'

  // setup header check.
  // this automatically adds a 'RegexpHeader' check to checkstyle.xml.
  header regexp: true, multiLines: [7, 8, 9, 10, 12], template: '''^/\\*\\*
^ \\* Copyright © 2015 Anshul Verma. All Rights Reserved.
^ \\*/
^import static
^ \\*((?! @author )|\$)
^ \\* @author anshul\\.verma86@gmail\\.com \\(Anshul Verma\\)
^ \\*/

Estilo DSL properties

The DSL provided by the gradle-estilo-plugin allows you to control several options and properties so that you can have a fine grained control on your custom checkstyle setup. This section explins each DSL block one by one.


Control what flavor of checkstyle you prefer to use. This is just a starting point as you can still override it in the following sections.

Available options: google and sun (more may be added later)

Default value: google


Control whether to fail the build or not if a checkstyle error is encountered.

Default value: false


Control checkstyle tool version. This will effectively use the checks defined in the checkstyle version specified.

Default value: 6.12.1


This block allows you to override, remove or extend the checks provided in the source checkstyle file. The basic syntax is:

checks {
  <CheckName>(<options>) {
    <propertyName> <propertyValueLiteral>

<options> is a hashmap and is optional. It can be used to specify if a check should be overridden, removed or extended. Default behavior is to extend a check.

Please refer to the example above on how to configure the checks.


This block allows you to add checkstyle suppression if you don't want to make some part of your code conform to checkstyle rules.

Suppressions are specified using a regex on the class or package and it contains a comma separated list of checks that are to be suppressed for classes matching that pattern.

The matching pattern can be specified in three ways:

  • suffix -- this matches the suffix of a class name
  • contains -- this matches that the class name contains a string
  • prefix -- this matches the prefix of a class name

All of these checks can be negated by applying a .not operator. Please refer to the above example for a sample use of this.


Sometimes you want to control what sort of imports should be allowed or disallowed in your source code. This is done using import control check.


This property lets you specify a header template that all classes must contain. It will automatically add a RegexpHeader check, indicating that presently, gradle-estilo-plugin can only handle regexp headers.


To be able to use checkstyle version 6.12.1 you need to use gradle version 2.7 or above. This is caused because of issue: checkstyle #1108.

HTML reporting

The autogenerated files required for checkstyle task are stored in ${project.rootDir}/build/estilo. Along with this a html report is also generated for each source set.


You are welcome to suggest changes or work on them yourself and issue a pull request. To make sure your changes pass all requirements, please run the check task:

$ ./gradlew check


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Anshul Verma :: anshulverma :: @anshulverma


Copyright (c) 2014 Anshul Verma

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Setup checkstyle directly via gradle






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