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New compilation pipeline (#1832)
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* Depends on PR #1824 
* Closes #1556 
* Closes #1825 
* Closes #1843
* Closes #1729 
* Closes #1596 
* Closes #1343 
* Closes #1382 
* Closes #1867 
* Closes #1876 
* Changes the `juvix compile` command to use the new pipeline.
* Removes the `juvix dev minic` command and the `BackendC` tests.
* Adds the `juvix eval` command.
* Fixes bugs in the Nat-to-integer conversion.
* Fixes bugs in the Internal-to-Core and Core-to-Core.Stripped
* Fixes bugs in the RemoveTypeArgs transformation.
* Fixes bugs in lambda-lifting (incorrect de Bruijn indices in the types
of added binders).
* Fixes several other bugs in the compilation pipeline.
* Adds a separate EtaExpandApps transformation to avoid quadratic
runtime in the Internal-to-Core translation due to repeated calls to
* Changes Internal-to-Core to avoid generating matches on values which
don't have an inductive type.


Co-authored-by: Paul Cadman <>
Co-authored-by: janmasrovira <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Mar 14, 2023
1 parent 0f29b3e commit 2d798ec
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Showing 121 changed files with 2,078 additions and 1,609 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ SMOKE := $(shell command -v smoke 2> /dev/null)

.PHONY : smoke-only
@$(if $(SMOKE),, $(error "Smoke not found, please install it from"))
@$(if $(SMOKE),, $(error "Smoke not found, please install it from"))
@smoke $(shell find tests -name '*.smoke.yaml')

.PHONY : smoke
Expand Down
205 changes: 22 additions & 183 deletions app/Commands/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,191 +2,30 @@ module Commands.Compile where

import Commands.Base
import Commands.Compile.Options
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.FileEmbed qualified as FE
import Commands.Dev.Core.Compile.Base qualified as Compile
import Commands.Extra.Compile qualified as Compile
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.C.Translation.FromInternal qualified as MiniC
import System.Environment
import System.Process qualified as P
import Juvix.Compiler.Core qualified as Core
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Pretty qualified as Core

runCommand :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => CompileOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand opts@CompileOptions {..} = do
miniC <- (^. MiniC.resultCCode) <$> runPipeline _compileInputFile upToMiniC
inputFile <- someBaseToAbs' (_compileInputFile ^. pathPath)
result <- runCompile inputFile opts miniC
case result of
Left err -> printFailureExit err
_ -> return ()

inputCFile :: (Members '[App] r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r (Path Abs File)
inputCFile inputFileCompile = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
return (buildDir <//> outputMiniCFile)
outputMiniCFile :: Path Rel File
outputMiniCFile = replaceExtension' ".c" (filename inputFileCompile)

runCompile :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => Path Abs File -> CompileOptions -> Text -> Sem r (Either Text ())
runCompile inputFileCompile o minic = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
f <- inputCFile inputFileCompile
embed (TIO.writeFile (toFilePath f) minic)
prepareRuntime o
case o ^. compileTarget of
TargetWasm -> runError (clangCompile inputFileCompile o)
TargetC -> return (Right ())
TargetNative -> runError (clangNativeCompile inputFileCompile o)

prepareRuntime :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => CompileOptions -> Sem r ()
prepareRuntime o = mapM_ writeRuntime runtimeProjectDir
runtimeProjectDir :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
runtimeProjectDir = case o ^. compileTarget of
TargetNative -> libcRuntime
_ -> case o ^. compileRuntime of
RuntimeWasiStandalone -> wasiStandaloneRuntimeDir <> builtinCRuntimeDir <> wallocDir
RuntimeWasiLibC -> libcRuntime
RuntimeStandalone -> standaloneRuntimeDir <> builtinCRuntimeDir <> wallocDir

writeRuntime :: (Path Rel File, BS.ByteString) -> Sem r ()
writeRuntime (filePath, contents) = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
embed (BS.writeFile (toFilePath (buildDir <//> filePath)) contents)

wasiStandaloneRuntimeDir :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
wasiStandaloneRuntimeDir = map (first relFile) $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-standalone" >>= FE.embedDir)

standaloneRuntimeDir :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
standaloneRuntimeDir = map (first relFile) $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/standalone" >>= FE.embedDir)

wasiLibCRuntimeDir :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
wasiLibCRuntimeDir = map (first relFile) $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-libc" >>= FE.embedDir)

builtinCRuntimeDir :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
builtinCRuntimeDir = map (first relFile) $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/builtins" >>= FE.embedDir)

wallocDir :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
wallocDir = map (first relFile) $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/walloc" >>= FE.embedDir)

libcRuntime :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
libcRuntime = wasiLibCRuntimeDir <> builtinCRuntimeDir

clangNativeCompile ::
forall r.
(Members '[Embed IO, App, Error Text] r) =>
Path Abs File ->
CompileOptions ->
Sem r ()
clangNativeCompile inputFileCompile o = do
inputFile <- getInputFile
outputFile <- getOutputFile
buildDir <- askBuildDir
runClang (nativeArgs buildDir outputFile inputFile)
getOutputFile :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
getOutputFile = case o ^. compileOutputFile of
Nothing -> return (removeExtension' inputFileCompile)
Just f -> someBaseToAbs' (f ^. pathPath)

getInputFile :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
getInputFile = inputCFile inputFileCompile

clangCompile ::
forall r.
(Members '[Embed IO, App, Error Text] r) =>
Path Abs File ->
CompileOptions ->
Sem r ()
clangCompile inputFileCompile o = do
outputFile <- getOutputFile
inputFile <- getInputFile
let clangArgs :: Sem r [String]
clangArgs = case o ^. compileRuntime of
RuntimeStandalone -> do
standaloneLibArgs outputFile inputFile
RuntimeWasiStandalone -> wasiStandaloneArgs outputFile inputFile
RuntimeWasiLibC -> wasiLibcArgs outputFile inputFile

clangArgs >>= runClang
getOutputFile :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
getOutputFile = maybe (return defaultOutputFile) someBaseToAbs' (o ^? compileOutputFile . _Just . pathPath)

defaultOutputFile :: Path Abs File
defaultOutputFile = replaceExtension' ".wasm" inputFileCompile

getInputFile :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
getInputFile = inputCFile inputFileCompile

sysrootEnvVar :: (Members '[Error Text, Embed IO] r) => Sem r (Path Abs Dir)
sysrootEnvVar =
<$> fromMaybeM (throw msg) (embed (lookupEnv "WASI_SYSROOT_PATH"))
msg :: Text
msg = "Missing environment variable WASI_SYSROOT_PATH"

commonArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> [String]
commonArgs buildDir wasmOutputFile =
[ "-std=c99",
toFilePath buildDir,
toFilePath wasmOutputFile

standaloneLibArgs :: (Members '[App, Embed IO] r) => Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> Sem r [String]
standaloneLibArgs wasmOutputFile inputFile = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
return $
commonArgs buildDir wasmOutputFile
<> [ "--target=wasm32",
toFilePath (buildDir <//> $(mkRelFile "walloc.c")),
toFilePath inputFile

wasiStandaloneArgs :: (Members '[App, Error Text, Embed IO] r) => Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> Sem r [String]
wasiStandaloneArgs wasmOutputFile inputFile = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
com <- wasiCommonArgs wasmOutputFile
return $
<> [ toFilePath (buildDir <//> $(mkRelFile "walloc.c")),
toFilePath inputFile

wasiLibcArgs :: (Members '[App, Error Text, Embed IO] r) => Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> Sem r [String]
wasiLibcArgs wasmOutputFile inputFile = do
com <- wasiCommonArgs wasmOutputFile
return $ com <> ["-lc", toFilePath inputFile]

nativeArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String]
nativeArgs buildDir outputFile inputFile =
commonArgs buildDir outputFile <> [toFilePath inputFile]

wasiCommonArgs :: (Members '[App, Error Text, Embed IO] r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r [String]
wasiCommonArgs wasmOutputFile = do
sysrootPath <- sysrootEnvVar
buildDir <- askBuildDir
return $
commonArgs buildDir wasmOutputFile
<> [ "-nodefaultlibs",
toFilePath sysrootPath

runClang ::
(Members '[Embed IO, Error Text] r) =>
[String] ->
Sem r ()
runClang args = do
(exitCode, _, err) <- embed (P.readProcessWithExitCode "clang" args "")
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
_ -> throw (pack err)
Core.CoreResult {..} <- runPipeline _compileInputFile upToCore
let arg =
{ _pipelineArgFile = inputFile,
_pipelineArgOptions = opts,
_pipelineArgInfoTable = _coreResultTable
case _compileTarget of
TargetNative64 -> Compile.runCPipeline arg
TargetWasm32Wasi -> Compile.runCPipeline arg
TargetGeb -> Compile.runGebPipeline arg
TargetCore -> writeCoreFile arg
TargetAsm -> Compile.runAsmPipeline arg

writeCoreFile :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => Compile.PipelineArg -> Sem r ()
writeCoreFile Compile.PipelineArg {..} = do
coreFile <- Compile.outputFile _pipelineArgOptions _pipelineArgFile
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath coreFile) (show $ Core.ppOut Core.defaultOptions {Core._optShowDeBruijnIndices = True} _pipelineArgInfoTable)
81 changes: 5 additions & 76 deletions app/Commands/Compile/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,77 +1,6 @@
module Commands.Compile.Options where
module Commands.Compile.Options
( module Commands.Extra.Compile.Options,

import CommonOptions

data CompileTarget
= TargetC
| TargetWasm
| TargetNative
deriving stock (Show, Data)

data CompileRuntime
= RuntimeWasiStandalone
| RuntimeWasiLibC
| RuntimeStandalone
deriving stock (Show, Data)

data CompileOptions = CompileOptions
{ _compileTarget :: CompileTarget,
_compileRuntime :: CompileRuntime,
_compileOutputFile :: Maybe (AppPath File),
_compileInputFile :: AppPath File
deriving stock (Data)

makeLenses ''CompileOptions

parseCompile :: Parser CompileOptions
parseCompile = do
_compileTarget <-
(eitherReader parseTarget)
( long "target"
<> short 't'
<> metavar "TARGET"
<> value TargetNative
<> showDefaultWith targetShow
<> help "select a target: wasm, c, native"
_compileRuntime <-
(eitherReader parseRuntime)
( long "runtime"
<> short 'r'
<> metavar "RUNTIME"
<> value RuntimeWasiStandalone
<> showDefaultWith runtimeShow
<> help "select a runtime: wasi-standalone, wasi-libc, standalone"
_compileOutputFile <- optional parseGenericOutputFile
_compileInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
pure CompileOptions {..}
parseTarget :: String -> Either String CompileTarget
parseTarget = \case
"wasm" -> Right TargetWasm
"c" -> Right TargetC
"native" -> Right TargetNative
s -> Left $ "unrecognised target: " <> s

targetShow :: CompileTarget -> String
targetShow = \case
TargetC -> "c"
TargetWasm -> "wasm"
TargetNative -> "native"

parseRuntime :: String -> Either String CompileRuntime
parseRuntime = \case
"wasi-standalone" -> Right RuntimeWasiStandalone
"wasi-libc" -> Right RuntimeWasiLibC
"standalone" -> Right RuntimeStandalone
s -> Left $ "unrecognised runtime: " <> s

runtimeShow :: CompileRuntime -> String
runtimeShow = \case
RuntimeWasiStandalone -> "wasi-standalone"
RuntimeWasiLibC -> "wasi-libc"
RuntimeStandalone -> "standalone"
import Commands.Extra.Compile.Options
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions app/Commands/Dev.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Commands.Dev.DisplayRoot qualified as DisplayRoot
import Commands.Dev.Geb qualified as Geb
import Commands.Dev.Highlight qualified as Highlight
import Commands.Dev.Internal qualified as Internal
import Commands.Dev.MiniC qualified as MiniC
import Commands.Dev.Options
import Commands.Dev.Parse qualified as Parse
import Commands.Dev.Runtime qualified as Runtime
Expand All @@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ runCommand = \case
Parse opts -> Parse.runCommand opts
Scope opts -> Scope.runCommand opts
Internal opts -> Internal.runCommand opts
MiniC opts -> MiniC.runCommand opts
Termination opts -> Termination.runCommand opts
Core opts -> Core.runCommand opts
Geb opts -> Geb.runCommand opts
Expand Down
32 changes: 18 additions & 14 deletions app/Commands/Dev/Asm/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,26 +15,30 @@ runCommand opts = do
s <- embed (readFile (toFilePath file))
case Asm.runParser (toFilePath file) s of
Left err -> exitJuvixError (JuvixError err)
Right tab -> case run $ runError $ asmToMiniC asmOpts tab of
Left err -> exitJuvixError err
Right C.MiniCResult {..} -> do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
cFile <- inputCFile file
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath cFile) _resultCCode
Compile.runCommand opts {_compileInputFile = AppPath (Abs cFile) False}
Right tab -> do
tgt <- asmTarget (opts ^. compileTarget)
case run $ runError $ asmToMiniC (asmOpts tgt) tab of
Left err -> exitJuvixError err
Right C.MiniCResult {..} -> do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
cFile <- inputCFile file
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath cFile) _resultCCode
Compile.runCommand opts {_compileInputFile = AppPath (Abs cFile) False}
getFile :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
getFile = someBaseToAbs' (opts ^. compileInputFile . pathPath)

asmOpts :: Asm.Options
asmOpts = Asm.makeOptions (asmTarget (opts ^. compileTarget)) (opts ^. compileDebug)
asmOpts :: Backend.Target -> Asm.Options
asmOpts tgt = Asm.makeOptions tgt (opts ^. compileDebug)

asmTarget :: CompileTarget -> Backend.Target
asmTarget :: CompileTarget -> Sem r Backend.Target
asmTarget = \case
TargetWasm32Wasi -> Backend.TargetCWasm32Wasi
TargetNative64 -> Backend.TargetCNative64
TargetGeb -> error "GEB target not supported for JuvixAsm"
TargetWasm32Wasi -> return Backend.TargetCWasm32Wasi
TargetNative64 -> return Backend.TargetCNative64
TargetGeb -> exitMsg (ExitFailure 1) "error: GEB target not supported for JuvixAsm"
TargetCore -> exitMsg (ExitFailure 1) "error: JuvixCore target not supported for JuvixAsm"
TargetAsm -> exitMsg (ExitFailure 1) "error: JuvixAsm target not supported for JuvixAsm"

inputCFile :: (Members '[App] r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r (Path Abs File)
inputCFile inputFileCompile = do
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/Commands/Dev/Asm/Compile/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ import CommonOptions
type AsmCompileOptions = CompileOptions

parseAsmCompileOptions :: Parser AsmCompileOptions
parseAsmCompileOptions = parseCompileOptions
parseAsmCompileOptions = parseCompileOptions parseInputJuvixAsmFile

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