This Analysis Module should collect all the useful code to analyse VH processes. It contains:
- UHH2 module for Preselection, Selection and Signal Region definition.
- constants.hpp to collect all important values (please add here variables to keep the overall view in 1 file)
- An Analysis folder to collect the main scripts.
TBA: add short instruction for each part
- Add remotes:
- cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/UHH2/
- git remote add personal$USER/UHH2.git
- MANDATORY hacks of UHH2 for compiling the code.
- Remember to add all the modifications at the last possible place to keep track easily of the changes.
- Add #include "UHH2/VHResonances/include/ZprimeCandidate.h" into core/include/NtupleObjects.h
- Add #pragma link C++ class ZprimeCandidate+; in core/include/SUHH2core_LinkDef.h
- Add #pragma link C++ class std::vector<ZprimeCandidate>+; in core/include/SUHH2core_LinkDef.h
- Add in the right place the following in core/include/TopJet.h
- if(tagname == "Matching") return Matching;
- if(tagname == "MatchingStatus") return MatchingStatus;
- if(tagname == "MC_HWW") return NN_HWW;
- if(tagname == "MC_Hbb") return NN_Hbb;
- if(tagname == "MC_QCD") return NN_QCD;
- if(tagname == "MC_Top") return NN_Top;
- if(tagname == "MC_W") return NN_W;
- if(tagname == "MC_Z") return NN_Z;
- if(tagname == "MC_HWW_1") return NN_HWW_1;
- if(tagname == "MC_Hbb_1") return NN_Hbb_1;
- if(tagname == "MC_QCD_1") return NN_QCD_1;
- if(tagname == "MC_Top_1") return NN_Top_1;
- if(tagname == "MC_W_1") return NN_W_1;
- if(tagname == "MC_Z_1") return NN_Z_1;
- if(tagname == "MC_HWW_2") return NN_HWW_2;
- if(tagname == "MC_Hbb_2") return NN_Hbb_2;
- if(tagname == "MC_QCD_2") return NN_QCD_2;
- if(tagname == "MC_Top_2") return NN_Top_2;
- if(tagname == "MC_W_2") return NN_W_2;
- if(tagname == "MC_Z_2") return NN_Z_2;
- if(tagname == "CNN_HWW") return CNN_HWW;
- if(tagname == "CNN_Hbb") return CNN_Hbb;
- if(tagname == "CNN_QCD") return CNN_QCD;
- if(tagname == "CNN_Top") return CNN_Top;
- if(tagname == "CNN_W") return CNN_W;
- if(tagname == "CNN_Z") return CNN_Z;
- if(tagname == "DCL_HWW") return DCL_HWW;
- if(tagname == "DCL_Hbb") return DCL_Hbb;
- if(tagname == "DCL_QCD") return DCL_QCD;
- if(tagname == "DCL_Top") return DCL_Top;
- if(tagname == "DCL_W") return DCL_W;
- if(tagname == "DCL_Z") return DCL_Z;
- Add the following in the “tag” session in the core/include/TopJet.h. It MUST be at the end of the current one otherwise the enum order would be disrupted
- Matching,
- MatchingStatus,
- NN_Hbb,
- NN_Top,
- NN_W,
- NN_Z,
- NN_HWW_1,
- NN_Hbb_1,
- NN_QCD_1,
- NN_Top_1,
- NN_W_1,
- NN_Z_1,
- NN_HWW_2,
- NN_Hbb_2,
- NN_QCD_2,
- NN_Top_2,
- NN_W_2,
- NN_Z_2,
- CNN_Hbb,
- CNN_Top,
- CNN_W,
- CNN_Z,
- DCL_Hbb,
- DCL_Top,
- DCL_W,
- DCL_Z,
- Add in core/src/classes.h :
- #include "UHH2/VHResonances/include/ZprimeCandidate.h"
- ZprimeCandidate ZprimeCandidate_dummy;
- std::vector<ZprimeCandidate> ZprimeCandidate_dummy_vector;
- Add in core/src/classes_def.xml:
- <class name="ZprimeCandidate"/>
- <class name="std::vector<ZprimeCandidate>"/>
- Add VHResonances Folder:
- git clone
- cd VHResonances
- git remote add personal$USER/VHResonances.git
- Connect SFramePlotter
- mkdir cd /nfs/dust/cms/user/$USER/WorkingArea/
- cd /nfs/dust/cms/user/$USER/WorkingArea/
- git clone
- When running the plotter, remember to change the username
- Once should hack the Splotter to adapt to his own style
- Set up Combine — Following —
- cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/
- git clone HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
- cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
- git fetch origin
- git checkout v8.1.0
- cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/UHH2/VHResonances/Analysis/CombineFunctions/
- python
- Compile evrything
- cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/UHH2/VHResonances/Analysis/macros/
- ./