Haskell Stack template inspired by Chris Penner's Shipping Haskell Via Homebrew.
- Download
- Create a new project using this template with `stack new
If additionally you want to ship your project via Homebrew using Github you can do so by creating the file <reponame>.rb
containing (you need to replace the <...>
placeholders with the proper values):
class Tempered < Formula
desc "Program description."
homepage "https://github.com/<githubuser>/<reponame>"
url "https://github.com/<githubuser>/<reponame>/releases/download/v0.1.0/<reponame>-v0.1.0-osx.tar.gz"
sha256 "<sha 256 checksum shown in Travis-CI logs for the osx build under the attach-binary.sh step>"
bottle :unneeded
def install
bin.install "<reponame>"
test do
system "#{bin}/<reponame>"
in a repo named homebrew-<tapname>
, after that you can install you program with: brew install githubuser/tapname/reponame